auditing mcqs

Utilizing MCQs is considered an effective method to assess a student’s understanding of a concept. The auditing MCQs are available on and prepared by subject experts, aligning with current trends and practices. These MCQs are particularly beneficial for competitive examinations and tests such as PPSC, FPSC, SPSC, KPPSC, BPSC, and ETEA. They are also valuable for various job positions like Senior Auditor, Junior Auditor, Accountant, Internal Auditors, and External Auditors. Covering topics such as Basic Auditing, Financial Audit, Income Tax Audit, Internal Audit, Operational Auditing, and more, these MCQs offer comprehensive preparation. Additionally, you can find Cost Accounting MCQs with answers on the platform.

31. The auditor has a right to­___________?

A. Obtain information and explanation
B. Obtain information and explanation from the employees and officers
C. Obtain information and explanation necessary for the purpose of audit
D. Both B. and C.

32. The branch auditor is appointed by___________?

A. Shareholders in an annual general meeting
B. Shareholders in general meeting
C. Board of directors in board meeting
D. Any of the above

33. Auditor of a___________company does not have right to visit foreign branches of the company?

A. Unlimited liability
B. Manufacturing
C. Banking
D. Non­profit making

34. The date on auditor’s report should not be____________?

A. the data of AGM
B. later than the date on which the accounts are approved in board’s meeting
C. earlier than the date on which the accounts are approved by the management
D. Both A. and B.

35. When restrictions that significantly affect the scope of the audit are imposed by the client, the auditor generally should issue which of the following opinion?

A. Qualified opinion
B. Disclaimer of opinion
C. Adverse opinion
D. Unqualified report with ‘an emphasis of matter’ paragraph;

36. The auditor has serious concern about the going concern of the company. It is dependent on company’s obtaining a working capital loan from a bank which has been applied for. The management of the company has made full disclosure of these facts in the notes to the balance sheet. The auditor is satisfied with the level of disclosure. He should issue___________?

A. unqualified opinion
B. unqualified opinion with reference to notes to the accounts
C. qualified opinion
D. disclaimer of opinion

37. Which of the following is true about explanatory notes?

A. These are given by the directors of the company
B. These are given to adhere to requirements of section 211.
C. These are given by auditors of the company in auditor’s report
D. All of the above

38. The client changed method of depreciation from straight line to written down value method. This has been disclosed as a note to the financial statements. It has an immaterial effect on the current financial statements. It is expected, however, that the change will have a significant effect on future periods. Which of the following option should the auditor express?

A. Unqualified opinion
B. Qualified opinion
C. Disclaimer of opinion
D. Adverse opinion

39. Which of the following documents is not relevant for vouching cash sales?

A. Daily cash sales summary
B. Salesmen’s summary
C. Monthly statements sent to customers
D. Bank statement

40. To test whether sales have been recorded, the auditor should draw a sample from a file of__________?

A. purchase orders
B. sales orders
C. sales invoices
D. bill of loading

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