
Economics explores how resources are utilized and their value maximized under specific conditions. It entails a thorough examination of the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. provides all updated Economics MCQs. The most frequently repeated economics MCQs section is encountered in Inspector, ASI, Sub-inspector, Constable, FPSC, PPSC, ETEA, FIA, Police, Army, Navy, Airforce, IB, MOFA, ASF, LHC, Educators, and various other competitive exams, as well as government and private job assessments. MCQs on Economics cover topics like Basic Economic MCQs, Indirect Tax and Economic Welfare, Analysis of Interest Rate Changes, Carbon Trading, Changing Market Price, and much more. Also, check Auditing MCQs with answers here.

11. A central bank or monetary authority hold foreign currency for the purpose of exchange intervention and the settlement of intergovernmental claims. Term the currency ?

A. Reserve currency
B. Hot currency
C. Pegged currency
D. Hard currency

12. Name the money of county that is expected to drop in value relative to other currencies?

A. Local currency
B. Cold currency
C. Lime currency
D. Soft currency

13. Which of the following is called a wholly or partially owned company what is the part of the large corporation?

A. Baby company
B. Child company
C. Small holding
D. Subsidiary

14. “Term bond” are bonds whose principle is payable at maturity. What does mean by Term certificate?

A. A bond with a longer time to maturity
B. A certificate of deposit whose principal is payable at maturity
C. A certificate of deposit with a shorter time to maturity
D. certificate of deposit with a longer time to maturity

15. Mention the name for economic theory that the support of business that allows them to flourish will eventually benefit middle- and lower-income people in the form of increased economic activity and reduced unemployment?

A. End benefit
B. Trickle down
C. Free market
D. Capitalism

16. Term a tax that is levied by a country of source on income paid, usually on dividends remitted to the home country of the firm operating in a foreign country?

A. Wealth tax
B. Withholding tax
C. Income tax
D. None of these

17. What is write-Off?

A. Charging an asset amount to expense of loss
B. To forget
C. To withdraw
D. None of these

18. What is measured by Gross domestic product (GDP)?

A. Value of all economic activity within nation’s border
B. Economic output of a country
C. Economic activity of federal government
D. None of these

19. Which country is the chief exporter Aluminum?

B. Britain
C. France
D. Germany

Which country is the chief exporter of coffee?

A. Mexico
C. Brazil
D. Australia

20. USA is the chief exporter of_________________?

A. Iron Ore
B. Wheat
C. Both of these
D. None of these

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