finance mcqs

If you’re looking for assistance with financial management and preparing for accounting exams, Gurumcqs has over 2000 Finance MCQs with detailed explanations. The Finance MCQs section includes important questions related to financial management, financial accounting for finance and accounting Jobs, and Business Finance. These MCQs cover various topics such as Finance Basics, Time Value of Money, Future Value, Present Value, Future Annuity, Shares, Risk & Return, Capital Budgeting, General Financial Rules, Working Capital Management, financial accounting, and more. Additionally, you can also find software engineering MCQs questions and answers on the platform.

41. Right held with corporations to call issued bonds for redemption is considered as___________?

A. Artificial provision
B. Call provision
C. Redeem provision
D. Original provision

42. Required rate of return in calculating bond’s cash flow is also classified as_______?

A. Going rate of return
B. Yield
C. Earning rate
D. Both A and B

43. If default probability is zero and bond is not called, then yield to maturity is_____________?

A. Mature expected return rate
B. Lower than expected return rate
C. Higher than expected return rate
D. Equal to expected return rate

44. Cash flows that could be generated from an owned asset by company but not use in project are classified as_________________?

A. Occurred cost
B. Mean cost
C. Opportunity costs
D. Weighted cost

45. Relevant cash flow which company expects when its will implement project is classified as_____________?

A. Irrelevant cash flow
B. Relevant cash flow
C. Incremental cash flow
D. Decrease cash flow

46. Nominal interest rates and nominal cash flows are usually reflected the____________?

A. Inflation effects
B. Opportunity effects
C. Equity effects
D. Debt effects

47. In cash flow estimation, depreciation shelters company’s income from_______?

A. Expansion
B. Salvages
C. Taxation
D. Discounts

48. Weighted average cost of debt, preferred stock and common equity is classified as_____________?

A. Cost of salvage
B. Cost of interest
C. Cost of taxation
D. Cost of capital

49. In cash flow estimation and risk analysis, real rate will be equal to nominal rate if there is__________?

A. No inflation
B. High inflation
C. No transactions
D. No acceleration

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