finance mcqs

If you’re looking for assistance with financial management and preparing for accounting exams, Gurumcqs has over 2000 Finance MCQs with detailed explanations. The Finance MCQs section includes important questions related to financial management, financial accounting for finance and accounting Jobs, and Business Finance. These MCQs cover various topics such as Finance Basics, Time Value of Money, Future Value, Present Value, Future Annuity, Shares, Risk & Return, Capital Budgeting, General Financial Rules, Working Capital Management, financial accounting, and more. Additionally, you can also find software engineering MCQs questions and answers on the platform.

61. Projects which are mutually exclusive but different on scale of production or time of completion then the___________?

A. External return method
B. Net present value of method
C. Net future value method
D. Internal return method

62. Long period of bond maturity leads to_________?

A. More price changes
B. Stable prices
C. Standing prices
D. Mature prices

63. If coupon rate is equal to going rate of interest, then bond will be sold________?

A. At par value
B. Below its par value
C. More than its par value
D. Seasoned par value

64. Risk of fall in income due to fall in interest rates in future is classified as__________?

A. Income risk
B. Investment risk
C. Reinvestment risk
D. Mature risk

65. As free bonds issue for welfare by industrial agencies or pollution control agencies are classified as__________?

A. Agent bonds
B. Development bonds
C. Pollution control bonds
D. Both B and C

66. Financial security with low degree risk and investment held by businesses is classified as________________?

A. Treasury bills
B. Commercial paper
C. Negotiable certificate of deposit
D. Money market mutual funds

67. Document in a corporation which consists of amount of stock, name and addresses of directors is classified as_____________?

A. Liability plan
B. Stock planning
C. Corporation paperwork
D. Charter

68. A price for equity is called______________?

A. Interest rate
B. Cost of equity
C. Debt rate
D. Investment return

69. Hewlett-Packard and Microsoft are examples of__________?

A. Limited corporate business
B. Unlimited corporate business
C. Controlled corporate business
D. Corporation

70. Type of financial security in which firms do not borrow money rather lease their assets is classified as____________________?

A. Leases
B. Preferred stocks
C. Common stocks
D. Corporate stocks

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