general anatomy mcqs

Guru MCQs offers an extensive collection of 2000+ basic and advanced-level General Anatomy MCQs, complete with answers and detailed explanations. This section comprehensively covers all areas of MCQs related to the general anatomy subject, addressing crucial topics in human and general anatomy. These include Embryology, Muscles of Head and Neck, Osteology, Salivary & Thyroid Glands, Vascular Supply of Head and Neck, Mouth, Pharynx, Larynx, Nerve Supply of Head and Neck, Tongue, and more. The selection of topics is made from reliable and top-tier reference books on General Anatomy. These human and general anatomy MCQs are valuable for interview preparation, entrance examinations, competitive exams, and certifications, catering to individuals with varying levels of experience, including both seasoned professionals and newcomers. Additionally, you can explore MCQs on Oral Anatomy on this platform.

141. The transverse venous sinus continues as_________________?

A. Straight sinus
B. Cavernous sinus
C. Sigmoid sinus
D. Ethmoidal sinus

142. The following arteries provide a rich blood supply to the face, EXCEPT the______________?

A. Buccal artery
B. Mental artery
C. Posterior auricular artery
D. Infra orbital artery

143. Injury to one of the following arteries results in extradural hematoma_______________?

A. Middle meningeal artery
B. Facial artery
C. Temporal artery
D. Anterior cerebral artery

144. Ophthalmic artery is a branch of _________ part of internal carotid artery ?

A. Intracavernous
B. Intrapetrous
C. Inracerebral
D. Extra cranial

145. What is not true of facial artery __________________?

A. Main source of oxygenated blood to palatine tonsil
B. Is a branch of internal carotid artery
C. Supplies branches to both upper and lower lips
D. Conveys post ganglionic sympathetic nerve fibres to the submandibular gland

146. The cavernous sinus communicates directly with all , except_______________?

A. Inferior petrosal sinus
B. Pterygoid venous plexus
C. Veins in orbit
D. Sigmoid and straight sinus

147. Posterior communicating artery is a branch of _______________?

A. Middle cerebral artery
B. External carotid artery
C. Internal carotid artery
D. Ophthamic artery

148. All of the following structures are related to cavernous sinus except______________?

A. 2nd optic nerve
B. 4th nerve
C. 6th nerve
D. Mandibular division of trigeminal nerve

149. Paralysis of upper eyelid is due to paralysis of________________?

C. V

150. All the following are true about upper eyelid EXCEPT______________?

A. Muscles which close the eyelid are supplied by the facial nerve
B. Muscles which open the eyelid are supplied by the branch of trigeminal nerve
C. Sensory supply is by the 5th cranial nerve
D. Blood supply is by the lacrimal and ophthalmic arteries

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