hrm mcqs

Employing multiple-choice questions (MCQs) is an excellent method for assessing a student’s understanding of a concept. Experts at Guru Mcqs have crafted these Human Resource Management (HRM) MCQs, aligning them with current trends and practices. These HRM MCQs are beneficial for preparing for various competitive exams, as well as undergraduate, postgraduate, and entrance exams. Additionally, the questions in the HRM MCQs section are useful for tests such as PPSC, FPSC, SPSC, KPPSC, BPSC, and ETEA. Covering topics like Coaching, Career and Talent Management, Pay for Performance and Financial Incentives, Training and Developing Employees, Managing Global Human Resources, Performance Management, Basics of Job Analysis, Equity Theory, Basic Types of Interviews, Employee Motivation, and more, these MCQs offer comprehensive preparation. You can also find Pakistan current affair MCQs Questions and Answers on the platform.

281. When employing immigrants, managers must be aware of?
A. Country of origin
B. Culture
C. Relevant legislation
D. Religion

282. The STEEPLE framework is flawed because:
A. it can result in managers concentrating on the detail and missing the overview.
B. it fails to include all categories of external factors.
C. it needs too many analysts.
D. it has too much overlap between categories.

283. A derived demand is one whereby?
A. The nature of demand changes depending on the demand for the organization’s output and the method used to produce the output.
B. The calculation is solely dependent on computer technology.
C. The price of labour exceeds the demand for labour.
D. The employment relationship is too complex.

284. The basis of liberal democracy is?
A. The right to a job
B. Rights and responsibilities
C. Right to welfare
D. Public housing

285. A representative democracy is characterized by?
A. Control by the representatives in the higher classes.
B. Adults electing representatives to act on their behalf at the different levels of the legislature.
C. A two party system.
D. A large assembly where democratic decision are made.

286. Community law within the EU is an independent legal order:
A. which is only applicable to countries that do not have their own legislation on the aspect of law under review.
B. which is optional for member states to adopt.
C. which provides an advisory position for member states.
D. which takes precedence over that of member states.

287. Gross National Product is:
A. GDP less the amount extracted for unemployment and welfare.
B. GDP plus net property income earned abroad.
C. The output of all goods and services.
D. The output of all goods but excluding services.

288. UK governments have favoured immigration because?
A. It is a way of improving on diversity.
B. It meets a demand.
C. It is a way of harmonizing relations at work.
D. It is a burden on our taxation system.

289. Are Gilmore and Williams arguing that the role of technology in industrial development is:
A. the driving factor.
B. one amongst many other factors.
C. is synonymous with globalization.
D. is detrimental to society as it leads to the depletion of rare resources.

290. Footloose companies are those that?
A. Manufacture footwear in developing countries.
B. Go abroad for cheap labour and loose legal constraints.
C. Seek to locate in countries that offer markets, reduced resource costs and lower rates of corporation taxes.
D. Deal in procurements.

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