hrm mcqs

Employing multiple-choice questions (MCQs) is an excellent method for assessing a student’s understanding of a concept. Experts at Guru Mcqs have crafted these Human Resource Management (HRM) MCQs, aligning them with current trends and practices. These HRM MCQs are beneficial for preparing for various competitive exams, as well as undergraduate, postgraduate, and entrance exams. Additionally, the questions in the HRM MCQs section are useful for tests such as PPSC, FPSC, SPSC, KPPSC, BPSC, and ETEA. Covering topics like Coaching, Career and Talent Management, Pay for Performance and Financial Incentives, Training and Developing Employees, Managing Global Human Resources, Performance Management, Basics of Job Analysis, Equity Theory, Basic Types of Interviews, Employee Motivation, and more, these MCQs offer comprehensive preparation. You can also find Pakistan current affair MCQs Questions and Answers on the platform.

311. According to the Leitch Review of Skills (2006), the ability of firms to succeed in the face of growing international competition depends increasingly on:
A. Work culture
B. Relaxed legal system
C. Good infrastructure
D. Skilled labour

312. What is the main reason employers give why employees are not fully proficient?
A. Lack of experience
B. Over qualified
C. Lack of numeracy skills
D. Lack of literacy skills

313. According to Gold (2007) where does the demand for skills tend to originate?
A. Employees
B. Government policies
C. Strategic-level decision-makers
D. Union representatives

314. What best describes the Conservative governments’ approach to learning in the 1980s?
A. Entrepreneurial
B. Passive
C. Voluntarism
D. Proactive

315. Which of the stages below are part of the Systematic Training Cycle?
A. Analyse operating conditions
B. Design training
C. Deliver on time
D. Evaluate customer feedback

316. What is the main disadvantage of off-the-job learning ?
A. It isn’t always directly related to real organizational issues and needs
B. The time needed to set up
C. Accessibility for those training
D. Long term costs

317. During which decades did the STC emerge?
A. 1950-1960s
B. 1960-1970s
C. 1970-1980s
D. 1980-1990s

318. A cultural view of learning considers the values and norms of communities through…?
A. Myths, legends and proverbs
B. Music, song and dance
C. Rituals, language and religion
D. Talk, practices and stories

319. What is a ‘communities of practice’ approach to organizational learning?
A. An approach that focuses on practising ‘best practice’.
B. An approach that focuses on the values, beliefs and norms of a social group.
C. An approach that focuses on the skills embedded within the group.
D. An approach that has a clear set of defined practices to use in all situations.

320. Chase’s study (1997) identified what issue as being the biggest obstacle to creating a knowledge-creating company?
A. Limited resources for training and development
B. Organizational culture
C. Failure of management
D. Inability to access learning material

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