hrm mcqs

Employing multiple-choice questions (MCQs) is an excellent method for assessing a student’s understanding of a concept. Experts at Guru Mcqs have crafted these Human Resource Management (HRM) MCQs, aligning them with current trends and practices. These HRM MCQs are beneficial for preparing for various competitive exams, as well as undergraduate, postgraduate, and entrance exams. Additionally, the questions in the HRM MCQs section are useful for tests such as PPSC, FPSC, SPSC, KPPSC, BPSC, and ETEA. Covering topics like Coaching, Career and Talent Management, Pay for Performance and Financial Incentives, Training and Developing Employees, Managing Global Human Resources, Performance Management, Basics of Job Analysis, Equity Theory, Basic Types of Interviews, Employee Motivation, and more, these MCQs offer comprehensive preparation. You can also find Pakistan current affair MCQs Questions and Answers on the platform.

391. The advantages of staffing from amongst the host country nationals generally do not include
A. reduction of language barriers
B. reduction of living cost
C. greater control over the activities of the organisation
D. better understanding of host country’s laws and regulations

392. Which form of participative management promotes “semi-autonomous work-groups”?
A. quality of work life
B. quality circle
D. quality group

393. Industrial action generally does not include
A. strike
B. lock-out
C. demonstration
D. Bandh

394. The role of HRD personnel is to –
A. description of entire process / analytical decomposition
B. identification of HRD elements and resources
C. Both (a) + (b)
D. Analytical decomposition only

395. The primary goal of HRD is –
A. To increase productivity of workers / and organisational profitability
B. Improve workers’ skill and enhance motivation, to prevent obsolesces at all levels
C. prevent obsolescence and increase organisational profitability only
D. Both (a) + (b)

396. Leadership is the –
A. ability to influence other people
B. ability to create within people an urge to do
C. ability to obtain willing co-operation of the followers
D. All above
E. Only (a) + (b)

397. A team is evaluated on features like –
A. Co-operation / confrontation avoiding / common objectives
B. Openness of view and unwritten procedure systems
C. Regular review / appropriate leadership
D. All above
E. Both (b) + (c)

398. For Total Quality Management (TQM) the required qualities are:
A. Understand customer’s current and future needs / leaders establish unity of purpose / involvement of people for organisation’s benefit
B. achievement of desired results when resources and activities are managed as a process and (a) above
C. Mutually beneficial suppliers relationships enhances the ability to create value and (b) also
D. Should have a temporary objective of the organization

399. Human due diligence means investigation of –
A. Management team / staff
B. Structure / issues / managerial capacity of a potential partner
C. Both (a) + (b)
D. Financial due diligence

400. Knowledge management refers for critical issues of
A. Organisational adaptation
B. Survival and competence against discontinuous environmental change
C. Synergistic combination of data and information processing capacity
D. All above
E. Only (a) + (c)


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