hrm mcqs

Employing multiple-choice questions (MCQs) is an excellent method for assessing a student’s understanding of a concept. Experts at Guru Mcqs have crafted these Human Resource Management (HRM) MCQs, aligning them with current trends and practices. These HRM MCQs are beneficial for preparing for various competitive exams, as well as undergraduate, postgraduate, and entrance exams. Additionally, the questions in the HRM MCQs section are useful for tests such as PPSC, FPSC, SPSC, KPPSC, BPSC, and ETEA. Covering topics like Coaching, Career and Talent Management, Pay for Performance and Financial Incentives, Training and Developing Employees, Managing Global Human Resources, Performance Management, Basics of Job Analysis, Equity Theory, Basic Types of Interviews, Employee Motivation, and more, these MCQs offer comprehensive preparation. You can also find Mathamatics MCQSQuestions and Answers on the platform.

70. In career development, providing individual development plans for employees is the part of?

A. individual role
B. manager role
C. employer role
D. line manager

71. The period in which the people act as mentors for younger employees is called?

A. exploration stage
B. growth stage
C. midcareer crisis sub stage
D. decline stage

72. The people who are ‘public relations executives’ are the best classified as?

A. enterprising orientation
B. investigative orientation
C. social orientation
D. conventional orientation

73. An analysis of pending retirements should include?

A. determination of average retirement age
B. planning pension benefits
C. determine extent of retirement problem
D. all of above

74. The people; having social personality type often choose careers as?

A. auto sales dealers
B. school administrators
C. lawyers
D. both A and B

75. The ‘coherent career’ plan links?

A. employee’s performance
B. career interests
C. developmental needs
D. all of above

76. The ‘psychological counseling’ is an example of?

A. phased retirement
B. preretirement counseling
C. honoring experience
D. modifying selection procedure

77. Less career plans and benefits for people of color are concluded in?

A. bias
B. reality shock
C. promotion
D. transfer

78. In career development focus, the compensations planned for non-job related activities is the part of?

A. training and development
B. performance appraisal
C. recruiting and placement
D. compensation and benefits

79. The people who are often executives of chamber of commerce, are classified in personality type of?

A. non enterprising
B. enterprising
C. social
D. investigative

80. In career development, providing assignments that develop careers is the part of?

A. individual role
B. manager role
C. employer role
D. line manager

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