international law mcqs past papers

International law, also called public international law, is the body of legal rules, norms, and standards that apply between sovereign states and other entities that are legally recognized as international actors. International Law MCQs for Preparation. Guru MCQs offer more than 2000+ Law MCQs for the preparation of different schools, colleges, and university examinations to get good marks. Most repeated international law section frequently encountered in CSS, PMS, Inspector, ASI, Sub-inspector, Constable, FPSC, PPSC, ETEA, FIA, Police, Army, Navy, Airforce, IB, MOFA, ASF, LHC, Educators, and various other competitive exams, as well as government and private job assessments. Law most repeated MCQs include Basic International Law MCQs, International Human Rights, International Criminal Law, Public International Law, Private International Law, Law for War, Environmental Law – and much more. Also, check MCQs on English here.

31. Territorial integrity means:____________?

A. A state can interfere in the internal affairs of another state
B. Non-interference in the internal affairs of another state
C. A state’s boundaries are secure & cannot be attacked
D. None of these

32. right of land-locked states are governed by:____________?

A. Rules of customary International Law
B. Convention on the law of Sea
C. Mutual Consent
D. None of these

33. A Successor state inherits:

A. All right/duties of its predecessor state
B. Selected right/duties
C. Nothing
D. None of these

34. Diplomatic relations are established by:_________?

A. Mutual agreement
B. Unilateral action
C. Decission of neighbouring States
D. None of these

35. For a State to come into existence, one of the basic element is:____________?

A. Possession of sovereignty
B. Possession of ideology
C. Possession of physical resources
D. None of these

36. A State can use Force:

A. In its own self-defence
B. By entering into a treaty with another States
C. At its own discretion
D. None of these

37. A lower riparian State:

A. Has no right to share water resources of an international river
B. Has exclusive right
C. Has a right to share water on an equitable basis
D. None of these

38. Under the Convention of the Law Sea, the breadth of the exclusive Economic Zone is:

A. 100 nautical miles
B. 200 nautical miles
C. 300 nautical miles
D. None of these

39. The permanent Court of International Justice:____________?

A. Is successor to the International Court (ICJ)
B. Is predecessor of the ICJ
C. Has no link with the ICJ of Justice
D. None of these

40. The Calvo clause means:____________?

A. A State can intervene on behalf of its nationals
B. A State cannot intervence on behalf of its nationals
C. An alien agrees not to seek the diplomatic protection of his own State
D. None of these

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