past papers international relations mcqs

Guru MCQs offers a comprehensive collection of multiple-choice questions (MCQs) covering various topics related to International Relations, ranging from basic to advanced levels. These IR MCQs are designed to help individuals prepare for competitive exams and tests, including PPSC, FPSC, SPSC, KPPSC, BPSC, and Etea tests. Here you will find solved International Relation MCQs with detailed explanations. International Relations MCQs cover a wide range of topics, including basic concepts in IR, contemporary issues, Weapons of Mass Destruction, foreign policy, international and regional organizations, global political economy, approaches to peace, security, and insecurity, among others. Additionally, we offer MCQs related to International Law. With our extensive collection of IR MCQs, you can effectively prepare for your exams and gain a deeper understanding of international relations concepts. Explore our MCQs and enhance your knowledge in this field.”

51. On Kashmir, Bhutto resisted Indian pressure and refused to accept the ceasefire line in Kashmir as the

A. International border
B. Relict border
C. Soft border
D. None of these

52. Ayub Khan was strongly pro-American, and on a visit the United States in

A. 1953
B. 1954
C. 1958
D. None of these

53. Which are the aligned years in Pakistan’s foreign policy:

A. 1963-1972
B. 1954-1962
C. 1947-53
D. None of these

54. Durand Line, which divides the borders of Pakistan and Afghanistan is as long as:

A. 2252 Km
B. 2262 Km
C. 2272 Km
D. None of these

55. The idea of SAARC originated in the mind of:

A. Gen Zia
B. Zia urRehman
C. Rajiv Gandhi
D. None of these

56. Pakistan left Commonwealth in 1972 and rejoined in:

A. 1988
B. 1989
C. 1985
D. None of these

57. FBI of America was established in

A. 1901
B. 1908
C. 1903
D. None of these

58. What position Hu Jintao holds in China

A. General Secretary of Communist Party
B. President of the Country
C. Both a & b
D. Prime Minster of the country

59. China has opened the largest overseas diplomatic mission of China in …

A. United States
B. Pakistan
C. Russia
D. Japan

60. The US ambassador, J. Christopher Stevens was killed by militants in:

A. Tripoli, Libya
B.Misrata, Libya
C. Benghazi, Libya
D. None of these

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