Islamic Studies Mcqs provides all updated Islamiat Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs). Most repeated general science Islamiat MCQs section, frequently encountered in Inspector, ASI, Sub-inspector, Constable, FPSC, PPSC, ETEA, FIA, Police, Army, Navy, Airforce, IB, MOFA, ASF, LHC, Educators, and various other competitive exams, as well as government and private job assessments. Islamic Studies most repeated MCQs include basic Islamiat MCQs, Islamic History MCQs, World Islamic Empires, Islamic Months MCQs, the life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and his companions (R.A), MCQs related to the Quran and Sunnah.

51. Who did accompany the Holy Prophet (SAW) in the migration to Madina?

A. Hazrat Abu Bakr (RA)
B. Hazrat Ali (R.A)
C. Hazrat Usman (RA)
D. Hazrat Umar (RA)

52. What is the name of the camel which the Holy Prophet (SAW) was riding in the migration of Madina?

A. Buldul
B. Anza
C. Qaswa
D. Zulifqar

53. When did Hazrat Hamza (RA) embrace Islam?

A. Fifth Nabvi
B. Sixth Nabvi
C. Seventh Nabvi
D. Fourth Nabvi

54. When five prayers became Farz?

A. 12th Nabvi
B. 10th Nabvi
C. 13th Nabvi
D. 11th Nabvi

55. At which occasion Salat became obligation (Farz)?

A. Miraj
B. Migration
C. Boycott
D. Visit to Taaif

56. What was the important event in the month of 13th Nabvi?

A. Hijrah Habahah
B. Hijrah Madina
C. Miraj
D. Visit to Taaif

57. ln which night the Qur’an was revealed?

A. Shab-e-Miraj
B. Lailat-ul-Qadr
C. Lail-tul-Aroos
D. Shab-e-Braat

58. Which year is called the Year of Sorrow?

A. 9th Nabvi
B. 13th Nabvi
C. 6th Nabvi
D. 10th Nabvi

59. Which incident took place on 24th September 622 AD in the life of Prophet Muhammad (SAW)?

A. He migrated to Madina
B. He fell ill
C. He was attacked
D. He was stopped to travel

60. When Hijrah started?

A. 12th Rabi-ul-Awwal of 13th year of Nabawat
B. 12th Rabi-ul-Awwal of 12th year of Nabawat
C. 12th Rabi-ul-Awwal of 14th year of Nabawat
D. 12th Rabi-ul-Awwal of 10th year of Nabawat

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