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191. 18 cattle graze a field in 12 days. 6 cattle can graze 3 of such fields in x days. What is x?

A. 90
B. 72
C. 36
D. 108

192. 25 men can consume 250kg of wheat in 20 days. 20 men cang consume how much wheat in 25 days?

A. 300
B. 200
C. 250
D. 350

193. In a ship the provisions are sufficient for 800 men for 50 days. How long will these be sufficient for if there would have been 200 more men?

A. 40
B. 50
C. 30
D. 56

194. In a fort there is enough food sufficient for 1200 men for 10 days. How long the food would have last for if there would have been 1000 men.

A. 15
B. 12
C. 10
D. 20

195. A trader owes a merchant Rs. 10,028 due 1 year hence. The trader wants to settle the account after 3 months. If the rate of interest 12% per annum, how much cash should he pay?

A. Rs. 9025.20
B. Rs. 9200
C. Rs. 9600
D. Rs. 9560

196. Rs. 800 amounts to Rs. 920 in 3 years at simple interest. If the interest rate is increased by 3%, it would amount to how much ?

A. Rs. 992
B. Rs. 1112
C. Rs. 1056
D. Rs. 1182
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197. A sum was put a simple interest at a certain rate for 2 years. Had it been put at 4% higher rate, it would have fetched Rs. 60 more. The sum is:

A. Rs.750
B. Rs.700
C. Rs.940
D. Rs.820

198. A man invests a certain sum of money at 6% per annum simple interest and another sum at 7% per annum simple interest. His income from interest after 2 years was Rs. 354. One-forth of the first sum is equal to one-fifth of the second sum. The total sum invested was :

A. Rs.3100
B. Rs.2700
C. Rs.2200
D. Rs.1800

199. You deposit $600 into a 6 month certificate of deposit. After 6 months the balance is $618. Find the simple annual interest rate

A. 6%
B. 5%
C. 7%
D. 8%

200. How long will it take for a sum of money to grow from Rs.1250 to Rs.10,000, if it is invested at 12.5% p.a simple interest?

A. 65 years
B. 56 years
C. 45 years
D. 57 years

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