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271. If a trader sold two cars each at Rs. 325475 and gains 12% on the first and loses 12% on the second, then his profit or loss percent on the whole is_______?

A. 1.44% loss
B. 14.4% profit
C. 14.4% loss
D. 0%
E. None of these

272. Rehman mixed 24 kg of butter at Rs. 150 per kg with 36 kg butter at the rate of Rs. 125 per kg. At what price per kg should he sell the mixture to make a profit of 40% in the transaction?

A. Rs. 135
B. Rs. 162
C. Rs. 189
D. Rs. 198
E. None of these

273. If an article is sold at 19% profit instead of 12% profit, then the profit would be Rs. 105 more. What is the cost price?

A. Rs. 1505
B. Rs. 1510
C. Rs. 1500
D. Rs. 1490
E. None of these

274. A shopkeeper loses 15%, if an article is sold for Rs. 102. What should be the selling price of the article to gain 20%?

A. Rs. 150
B. Rs. 144
C. Rs. 138
D. Rs. 132
E. None of these

275. A trader sells 85 meters of cloth for Rs. 8925 at the profit of Rs. 15 per metre of cloth. What is the cost price of one metre of cloth?

A. Rs. 80
B. Rs. 85
C. Rs. 90
D. Rs. 95
E. None of these

276. A shopkeeper sells 20% of his stock at 10% profit ans sells the remaining at a loss of 5%. He incurred an overall loss of Rs. 400. Find the total worth of the stock?

A. Rs. 25000
B. Rs. 20000
C. Rs. 15000
D. Rs. 22000
E. None of these

277. A fruit vendor purchased 20 dozens of bananas at Rs. 15 per dozen. But one-fourth of the bananas were rotten and had to be thrown away. He sold two-third of the remaining bananas at Rs. 22.50 per dozen. At what price per dozen should he sell the remaining bananas to make neither a profit nor a loss?

A. Rs. 20
B. Rs. 15
C. Rs. 22.50
D. Rs. 7.50
E. None of these

278. By selling 99 pens, a trader gains the cost of 33 pens. Find his gain percentage?

A. 33 1/3%
B. 50%
C. 25%
D. 66 2/3%
E. None of these

279. A dealer purchases 15 articles for Rs. 25 and sells 12 articles for Rs. 30. Find the profit percentage?

A. 25%
B. 50%
C. 20%
D. 5%
E. None of these

280. If the cost price of 50 articles is equal to the selling price of 40 articles, then the gain or loss percent is?

A. 20% loss
B. 20% profit
C. 10% profit
D. 25% loss

E. None of these

281. A dishonest dealer professes to sell his goods at Cost Price but still gets 20% profit by using a false weight. What weight does he substitute for a kilogram?

A. 855 1/2 grams
B. 833 1/3 grams
C. 833 1/2 grams
D. 875 2/7 grams

282. A shopkeeper buys mangoes at the rate of 4 a rupee and sells them at 3 a rupee. Find his net profit or loss percent?

A. 20%
B. 28%
C. 33 1/3 %
D. 35 2/7 %

283. A shopkeeper sells two articles at Rs.1000 each, making a profit of 20% on the first article and a loss of 20% on the second article. Find the net profit or loss that he makes?

A. neither profit nor loss
B. 3%
C. 5%
D. 4%

284. A shopkeeper buys two articles for Rs.1000 each and then sells them, making 20% profit on the first article and 20% loss on second article. Find the net profit or loss percent?

A. neither profit nor loss
B. 1%
C. 2%
D. 3%

285. By selling an article at Rs.800, a shopkeeper makes a profit of 25%. At what price should he sell the article so as to make a loss of 25%?

A. Rs.600
B. Rs.480
C. Rs.500
D. Rs.450

286. By selling an article at Rs.600, a profit of 25% is made. Find its cost price?

A. Rs.350
B. Rs.400
C. Rs.573
D. Rs.480

287. A person buys an article at Rs.500. At what price should he sell the article so as to make a profit of 20%?

A. Rs.600
B. Rs.500
C. Rs.250
D. Rs.700

288. Raheem bought an old car for Rs. 42000. He spent Rs. 13000 on repairs and sold it for Rs. 64900. What is his profit percent?

A. 14%
B. 16%
C. 18%
D. 22%
E. None of these

289. A person purchased a TV set for Rs. 16000 and a DVD player for Rs. 6250. He sold both the items together for Rs. 31150. What percentage of profit did he make?

A. 30%
B. 35%
C. 40%
D. 45%
E. None of these

290. The owner of a furniture shop charges his customer 24% more than the cost price. If a customer paid Rs. 8339 for a computer table, then what was the cost price of the computer table?

A. Rs. 5725
B. Rs. 5275
C. Rs. 6275
D. Rs. 6725
E. None of these

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