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471. What will be 80 Percent of a number whose 200 percent is 90?
A. 144
B. 72
C. 36
D. none of these


200 % of x = 90
=> x = 9000/200 = 45
80 % of x = (80/100 ×45) = 36

472. In an election between two candidates, the candidate who gets 30 % of the votes polled is defeated by 15000 votes. The number of votes polled by the winning candidate is:________?
A. 11250
B. 15000
C. 26250
D. 37500

Explanation: Let the votes polled by the winning candidate be x.
Then, (x – 15000) = 30 % of [x + (x – 15000)]
or x = 26250.

473. In a college election, a candidate secured 62 % of the votes and is elected by a majority of 144 votes. The total number of votes polled is:________?
A. 600
B. 800
C. 925
D. 1200

20 % of x + 30 = 32 % of x – 42
Or 12 % of x = 72.
So, x = (72 ×100)/12 = 600
Pass marks = 20 % of 600 + 30 = 150
Pass Percentage =[1/4 x 100]%= 25 %

474. A student who secures 20 % marks in an examination fails by 30 marks. Another student who secures 32 % marks gets 42 marks more than those required to pass. The percentage of marks required to pass is:________?
A. 20%
B. 25 %
C. 28%
D. 30%

20 % of x + 30 = 32 % of x – 42
Or 12 % of x = 72.
So, x = (72 ×100)/12 = 600
Pass marks = 20 % of 600 + 30 = 150
Pass Percentage =[1/4 x 100]%= 25 %

475. 5 % income of a is equal to 15 % income of B and 10 % income of B is equal to 20 % income of C if the income of c is Rs. 200, then total income of A, B and C is :_________?
A. Rs. 6000
B. Rs. 18000
C. Rs. 20000
D. Rs. 14000

20 % of x + 30 = 32 % of x – 42
Or 12 % of x = 72.
So, x = (72 ×100)/12 = 600
Pass marks = 20 % of 600 + 30 = 150
Pass Percentage =[1/4 x 100]%= 25 %

476. 75 % of a number when added to 75 is equal to the number. The number is:_______?
A. 150
B. 200
C. 225
D. 300

75 + 75 % of x = x
or x – 3/4 x = 75
Or 1/4 x = 75
X = (75 × 4) =300

477. After spending 40 % in machinery, 25 % in the building, 15 % in raw material and 5 % on furniture, Haris had a balance of Rs. 1305. The money with him was:________?
A. Rs. 6500
B. Rs. 7225
C. Rs. 8700
D. Rs. 1390

x – [40 % of x + 25 % of x + 15 % of x + 5 % of x] = 1305
or x – 85 % of x = 1305
or 15 % of x = 1305 x 130500/15 × 8700
= Rs. 8700

478. A man donated 5 % of his income to a charitable organization and deposited 20 % of the remainder in a bank. If he now has Rs. 1919 left, what is his income?
A. Rs. 2558. 60
B. Rs. 2525
C. Rs. 2500
D. Rs. 2300

Let his income be Rs. x.
Then X – 5 % of x – 20 % of 95 % of x = 1919
or x – x/20 – (20×95×x)/(100 × 100) = 1919
or x – x/20 – 19x/100 = 1919
or 100x – 5x – 19x = 191900
X = 191900/76= 2525

479. Raees credits 15 % of his salary in this fixed deposit account and spends 30 % of the remaining amount on groceries if the cash in hand is Rs. 2380, what is his salary?
A. Rs. 3500
B. Rs. 4000
C. Rs. 4500
D. Rs. 5000

Let salary be Rs. x.
Then, x – 15 % of x – 30 % of 85 % of x = 2380
or x – 15x/100 – (30×85×x)/(100×100) = 2380
or 200 x – 30 x – 51 x = 2380 X 200
or 119 x = 2380 X 200
or x = (2380×200)/119 = 4000

480. The income of a broker remains uncharged though the rate of commission is increased from 4 % to 5 % the percentage of a slump in business is_______?
A. 8 %
B. 1 %
C. 20 %
D. 80 %

Let the business value changes from x to y.
Then 4 % of x = 5 % of y of 4/100 × x = 5/100 × y
or y = 4/5 x.
Change in business = (x – 4/5 x) = 4/5 x.
Percentage slump in business
= (1/5 x ×1/x × 100)% = 20%

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