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551. The Price of an article is cut by 10%. To restore it to the former value, the new price must be increased by_______?
A. 10 %
B. 9 1/11 %
C. 11 1/9 %
D. 11%

Let original price = Rs. 100
Then new price = Rs. 90
Increase on Rs. 90 = Rs. 10
Increase % = [10/90 X 100] % = 11 1/9 %

552. What percentage of numbers from 1 to 70 have squares that end in the digit 1?
A. 1
B. 14
C. 20
D. 21

Clearly, the numbers which have 1 or 9 in the unit’s digit, have squares that end in the digit 1. Such numbers from 1 to 70 are 1, 9, 11, 19, 21, 29, 31, 39, 41, 49, 51, 59, 61, 69.
Number of such numbers = 14.
Required percentage = (14/70 * 100) = 20%

553. The number which exceeds 16% of it by 42 is________?
A. 50
B. 52
C. 58
D. 60

Let the number be x.
Then, x – 16% of x = 42.
x – 16/100 x = 42
x = (42 * 25)/21 = 50

554. The temperature at noon in LHR ,Pakistan was 6 deg on Monday ,4deg on Tuesday,2deg below zero on Wednesday,3deg below zero on Thursday, 0 deg on Friday ,3 deg on Saturday ,and 6 deg on Sunday. What was the average temperature at noon for the week ?
A. 14 deg
B. -2 deg
C. 2 deg
D. 7 deg

555. In a class of 120 students , 45 students received a grade of B.What percent of the class received a grade of B ?
A. 75 %
B. 25.6 %
C. 37.5%
D. 18.5%

556. A company has 7348 bars of soap. If the company sells 20% of its bars of soap .how many bars of soap did it sell?
A. 734.8
B. 1469.6
C. 146950
D. 29390

557. If eggs cost $.06 each ,how much should a dozen eggs cost ?
A. .56
B. $ .80
C. $ .72
D. $.60

558. If 20 teachers out of a faculty of 80 are transferred, what percentage of the original faculty remains ?
A. 4
B. 16
C. 60
D. 75

559. The average of two numbers is XY.If one number is equal to X ,the other number is equal to_________?
A. X
B. 2Y
D. 2 XY -2 X

560. If 35% of a number is 12 less than 50% of that number, then the number is_________?
A. 40
B. 50
C. 60
D. 80

Let the number be x. Then,
50% of x – 35% of x = 12
50/100 x – 35/100 x = 12
x = (12 * 100)/15 = 80.

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