oral histology mcqs

Histology, derived from the Greek words “histo,” meaning tissue, and “logy,” meaning science, is the scientific discipline dedicated to the study of tissues. By delving into oral histology and embryology, individuals can establish a robust understanding of oral biology. The subject encompasses the examination of cellular and tissue development and structure, including the various stages of tooth development and maturation. Areas of focus include the constituents of tissues such as cells, intercellular substances, tissue fluids, and components of human teeth like enamel, dentin, and dental pulp. Gurumcqs.com offers Oral Histology Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs) along with answers, carefully curated from reputable reference books on oral histology. These MCQs are valuable not only for academic purposes but also for interview preparation, entrance exams, competitive assessments, and certifications, catering to individuals at all levels of expertise, whether experienced professionals, newcomers, or students. Additionally, those interested can explore Oral Pathology MCQs for further study.

121. Which of the following is not the principle fibre group of the periodontal ligament___________?

A. Horizontal
B. Oblique
C. Alveolar crest
D. Transseplat

122. A special feature of the periodontal ligament fibroblasts is______________?

A. The number or organelles
B. Presence of actin fibres and shape change
C. size of the cells
D. Collagen fibre formation

123. The component of future T.M.J shows development at _____________?

A. 6 weeks
B. 10 weeks
C. 18 weeks
D. 16 weeks

124. Centre of the disc in TMJ is_____________?

A. Avascular
B. Devoid of nervous tissue
C. Avascular & deviod of nervous tissue
D. None of the above

125. Narrowing of periodontal ligament in labially placed mandibular canine with age is due to_____________?

A. Due to deposition of cementum and bone
B. Down growths of gingival epithelium
C. Gingival cysts formed from cell rests
D. Reversal of function of horizontal and oblique fibres

126. The main function of horizontal fibres of P.D ligament is____________?

A. Prevent extrusion
B. Prevent rotation
C. Maintains the mesiodistal width
D. All of the above

127. Fibres of periodontal ligament embedded in the bone are_____________?

A. Sharpey’s fibres
B. Tomes fibres
C. Elastic fibres
D. Ray’s fibres

128. The attached apparatus of tooth is composed of______________?

A. Gingiva, cementum and alveolar bone
B. Gingiva and cementum
C. Cementum and periodontal ligament
D. Peridontal ligament the cementum and the alveolar bone

129. Age changes in periodeontal ligament include which of the following ?

A. Increased fibroplasia
B. Increased vascularity
C. Increased thickness
D. Decreased in number of cementicles

130. Collagen molecule exhibits all of the following features except_____________?

A. Triple pleated sheath
B. Mostly contains glycine residues
C. Exhibit cross striations at 64 μm
D. Intracellular in nature

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