oral histology mcqs

Histology, derived from the Greek words “histo,” meaning tissue, and “logy,” meaning science, is the scientific discipline dedicated to the study of tissues. By delving into oral histology and embryology, individuals can establish a robust understanding of oral biology. The subject encompasses the examination of cellular and tissue development and structure, including the various stages of tooth development and maturation. Areas of focus include the constituents of tissues such as cells, intercellular substances, tissue fluids, and components of human teeth like enamel, dentin, and dental pulp. Gurumcqs.com offers Oral Histology Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs) along with answers, carefully curated from reputable reference books on oral histology. These MCQs are valuable not only for academic purposes but also for interview preparation, entrance exams, competitive assessments, and certifications, catering to individuals at all levels of expertise, whether experienced professionals, newcomers, or students. Additionally, those interested can explore Oral Pathology MCQs for further study.

21. Which of the following is correct?

A. Each rod is formed by 4 ameloblasts
B. Each ameloblast contributes to 4 different rods
C. Head of the rod is formed by one ameloblasts, and tail is formed by three other ameloblasts
D. All of the above

22. Accentuated incremental lines in dentin due to disturbances in matrix and mineralization process is_____________?

A. Incremental lines of retzius
B. Incremental lines of vonebner
C. Contour lines of owen
D. None of the above

23. Formula of hydroxyapatite crystal is____________?

A. Ca3 (Po4)2 CaCo3
B. 3Ca (Po4)2 Ca(OH)2
C. CaPo4 Ca(OH)2
D. None of the above

24. Physically and chemically, the dentin is closely related to______________?

A. Bone
B. Acellular cementum
C. Enamel
D. None of the above

25. Which of the following statement is correct?

A. Enamel cannot form in absence of dentin
B. The formation of enamel and dentin are independent of each other
C. Enamel formation can occur in absence of dentin
D. None of the above

26. The microhardness of dentin is about____________?

A. 1/2 that of enamel
B. 1/7 that of enamel
C. 1/4 that of enamel
D. 1/5 that of enamel

27. Dentinogenesis by odontoblasts first begins at_____________?

A. Pulpal end
B. Cusp tip
C. Tooth bud stage
D. Cervical area

28. The zone of dentin most recently formed and uncalcified is known as____________?

A. Mantle dentin
B. Circumpulpal dentin
C. Predentin
D. Secondary dentin

29. The dentin receptors are unique because_____________?

A. They elicit pain to hot and cold
B. They elicit pain to touch and pressure
C. They elicit pain to chemicals
D. Elicit only pain as a response

30. Mirgration of odontoblasts into dentinal tubules occurs during ________________?

A. Cavity preparation
B. Dehydration
C. Water irrigation
D. None of the above

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