oral histology mcqs

Histology, derived from the Greek words “histo,” meaning tissue, and “logy,” meaning science, is the scientific discipline dedicated to the study of tissues. By delving into oral histology and embryology, individuals can establish a robust understanding of oral biology. The subject encompasses the examination of cellular and tissue development and structure, including the various stages of tooth development and maturation. Areas of focus include the constituents of tissues such as cells, intercellular substances, tissue fluids, and components of human teeth like enamel, dentin, and dental pulp. Gurumcqs.com offers Oral Histology Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs) along with answers, carefully curated from reputable reference books on oral histology. These MCQs are valuable not only for academic purposes but also for interview preparation, entrance exams, competitive assessments, and certifications, catering to individuals at all levels of expertise, whether experienced professionals, newcomers, or students. Additionally, those interested can explore Oral Pathology MCQs for further study.

61. Nutrition for ameloblasts after 1st layer of enamel is laid is______________?

A. Dental sac
B. Odontoblastic process
C. Ree
D. Dental Papilla

62. Temporary structures in enamel organ are (before enamel formation) ?

A. Enamel knot
B. Enamel cord
C. Both A and B
D. Enamel Cuticle

63. Lip furrow band is______________?

A. Vestibular lamina
B. Successional lamina
C. Dental lamina
D. Basal lamina

64. Which of the following anomalies occur during the initiation and proliferation of tooth development ?

A. Amelogenisis imperfecta
B. Dentinogenesis imperfecta
C. Enamel hypoplasia
D. Oligodontia

65. The hertwig’s epithelial root shealth is essential to development of the root because it_______________?

A. Gives rise to cementoblasts that produce cementum of the root
B. Moulds the shape of roots and stimulates differentiation of odontoblasts
C. Given rise to odontoblasts that lay down dentin of the root
D. Remians as an essential constituents of the periodontal ligament

66. The formation of the dental lamina is initiated by______________?

A. Forebrain
B. Rathke’s pouch
C. Neural crest cells
D. Odontoblasts

67. In multirooted teeth, formation of multiple roots is due to presence of_____________?

A. Epithelial diaphragm
B. Cell rests of Malassez
C. Toot bud division or bell stage
D. None of the above

68. First appearance of tooth formation occurs in____________?

A. 6th week IU
B. 2nd week IU
C. 9th week IU
D. 4th week IU

69. Disturbance during the morphodifferentition stage of tooth development will result in______________?

A. Change in number of teeth
B. Ameloblastoma
C. Change in form and shape of the teeth
D. Hypoplasia

70. Dental papilla gives rise to_____________?

A. Pulp only
B. Pulp & Dentin
C. Pulp & Periodontal ligament
D. All of the above

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