oral histology mcqs

Histology, derived from the Greek words “histo,” meaning tissue, and “logy,” meaning science, is the scientific discipline dedicated to the study of tissues. By delving into oral histology and embryology, individuals can establish a robust understanding of oral biology. The subject encompasses the examination of cellular and tissue development and structure, including the various stages of tooth development and maturation. Areas of focus include the constituents of tissues such as cells, intercellular substances, tissue fluids, and components of human teeth like enamel, dentin, and dental pulp. Gurumcqs.com offers Oral Histology Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs) along with answers, carefully curated from reputable reference books on oral histology. These MCQs are valuable not only for academic purposes but also for interview preparation, entrance exams, competitive assessments, and certifications, catering to individuals at all levels of expertise, whether experienced professionals, newcomers, or students. Additionally, those interested can explore Oral Pathology MCQs for further study.

71. The bud, cap and bell stage of the developing tooth are based, on growth of the______________?

A. Stellate reticulum
B. Dental papilla
C. Enamel organ
D. Dental sac

72. Enamel can act in a sense like a_______________?

A. Permeable membrane
B. Impermeable membrane
C. Semipermeable membrane
D. Infrapermeable membrane

73. Dark bonds that are present in enamel rods at intervals of 4 μms are______________?

A. Neonantal bands
B. Cross striations
C. Striae of Retzius
D. Hunter-Schregar bands

74. The average width of enamel rods is______________?

A. 10mm
B. 5mm
C. 2mm
D. 0.5mm

75. The shallow furrows on the enamel surface, where stria of Retzius end are known as _______________ ?

A. Cracks
B. Pellicle
C. perikymata
D. Enamel lamellae

76. The key hole, pattern appearance in the cross section is feature of______________?

A. Aprismatic enamel
B. Prismatic enamel
C. Intertubular dentin
D. Intratubular dentin

77. The class of low molecular weight calcium binding proteins seen predominantly in developing enamel are_____________?

A. Enamelin
B. Amelogenin
C. Tuftelin
D. Ameloplakin

78. Metalloprotienases are used in which stage of the amelogenesis_____________?

A. Organising
B. Formative/ Secretory
C. Protective
D. Desmolytic

79. Nutritional supply of the ameloblasts during most of their life cycle is from the_____________?

A. Dental pulp
B. Odontoblastic processes
C. Dental sac
D. Reduced dental organ

80. Neonatal line is also referred to as______________?

A. Retzius line
B. Line of cross striations
C. Incremental lines
D. Line of enamel tufts

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