oral pathology mcqs

The mouth, being a vital organ with diverse functions, is subject to various diseases falling under the domain of oral pathology. This field encompasses the study of diseases affecting the mouth, jaws, and associated structures like salivary glands, facial muscles, temporomandibular joints, and perioral skin. Oral pathology, as a specialized discipline, focuses on diagnosing and investigating the causes and effects of diseases impacting the oral and maxillofacial region. For a thorough and objective assessment of students’ critical thinking abilities, multiple-choice questions (MCQs) serve as the preferred format. Gurumcqs.com offers a comprehensive collection of 2000+ oral pathology MCQs with answers and detailed explanations. These MCQs are carefully selected from reputable and trusted reference books on oral pathology. They prove beneficial for interview preparation, entrance examinations, competitive exams, and certifications, catering to individuals with varying levels of experience, including both seasoned professionals and newcomers. Additionally, you can explore MCQs on Oral Anatomy on this platform.

111. Scleroderma involves:__________?

A. Tightening of oral mucosa and periodontal involvement
B. Multiple palmar keratosis
C. Raynaud’s phenomenon
D. All of the above

112. Erythema multiformae is:___________?

A. An acute self limiting disease, of skin and oral mucous membrane
B. painless vesicular self limiting disease
C. A viral disease
D. Bacterial infection

113. Darier’s disease is associated with:____________?

A. Pernicious anaemia
B. Rickets with involvement of teeth and bones
C. Vitamin A deficiency and involvement of oral epithelium and skin
D. Diffuse tender ulceration on the palate predominantly

114. Koebner’s phenomenon is seen with_____________?

A. Erythema multiforme
B. Pemphigoid
C. Psoriasis
D. Impetigo

115. Tzancks smear test is used in the diagnosis of___________?

A. pemphigus
C. Apthous disease
D. Lichen planus

116. Unusual extensibility of the tongue is a characteristic feature of:__________?

A. Epidermolysis bullose
B. Syphilis
C. Darier-White disease
D. Ehlers-Danlos syndrome

117. Which of the following is not a type of lichen planus?

A. Atrophic
B. Hypertrophic
C. Verrucous
D. Erosive

118. A fluid filled elevated lesion of skin is called___________?

A. Bulla
B. Macule
C. Papule
D. Nodule

119. Grinspan syndrome is associated with:_________?

A. Hypertension, diabetes, lichen planus
B. Oral, ocular, genital lesions
C. Hypertension with oral lesions
D. lemphigus, CHF, diabetes

120. In lichen planus the basal cells which are shrunken with an eosinophilic cytoplasm and with a pyknotic and fragmented nuclei are called__________?

A. Tzanck cells
B. Civatte bodies
C. Donovan bodies
D. Rushton bodies

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