pathology mcqs provides all updated Pathology MCQs. MCQs of Pathology content are updated regularly, with the addition of new topics, more questions, and useful links. Repeated pathology MCQs consist of Primary Cardiovascular, Primary Cellular, Primary Endocrine And Renal, Primary Cellular Pathology, Cell Injury, General Pathology, Organ System Pathology, Atherosclerosis-Thrombosis, Embryology, Neoplasia, Nutrition, Transfusion Medicine, Coagulation – and much more.The topics covered here are sourced from reliable and top-quality reference books on pathology. These multiple-choice questions (MCQs) in pathology serve as valuable resources for various purposes such as interview preparation, entrance exams, competitive assessments, and certifications for individuals at all levels of experience, including experienced professionals, newcomers, and students. Additionally, you can find MCQs on oral histology for further exploration.

21. Risk factor for atherosclerosis_______________?

A. Smoking
B. Hypertension
C. Diabetes
D. All of the above

22. Major site of atheroscierosis_______________?

A. Coronary artery
B. Abdominal aorta
C. Thoracic aorta
D. Internal carotid artery

23. Both Pala or red infarcts are seen in______________?

A. Lung
B. Brain
C. Kidney
D. Spleen

24. After myocardial infarction all of the following enzyme levels are high except_____________?

A. Serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase (SGOT)
B. Lactic Dehydrogenase (LDH)
C. Creatine phospho kinase (CPK)
D. Serum ornithine carbamyl transferase (SOCT)

25. The most reliable post mortem features of left sided cardiac failure is____________?

A. Systemic venous congestion
B. Oedematous ankles
C. Chronic venous congestion of lungs
D. Enlargement of spleen and liver

26. Ascites seen in alcoholic liver cirrhosis result form______________?

A. Decreased protein production by liver
B. Due to increased portal hypertension
C. Due to obstruction of bile duct
D. All of the above

27. The major factors predisposing to thrombogenesis include all of the following except_____________?

A. Endothelial injury
B. Hyper coagulability of blood
C. Altered blood flow
D. Pattern of blood flow

28. All of the following differs antemortum thrombus from a postmortem intravascular costs except_____________?

A. Chicken fat appearance
B. Lines of zahn
C. Dry and friable
D. Firm adherence to endothelium where as absent in postmorten clots

29. Which of the following is not an indicative of hemorrhage_____________?

A. Ecchymosis
B. Malena
C. Melanosis
D. Petechiae

30. Extravasation of blood in to the tissues with resulting swelling is called_____________?

A. Hemothorax
B. Heamoperitonium
C. Heamopericardium
D. Hematoma

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