pathology mcqs provides all updated Pathology MCQs. MCQs of Pathology content are updated regularly, with the addition of new topics, more questions, and useful links. Repeated pathology MCQs consist of Primary Cardiovascular, Primary Cellular, Primary Endocrine And Renal, Primary Cellular Pathology, Cell Injury, General Pathology, Organ System Pathology, Atherosclerosis-Thrombosis, Embryology, Neoplasia, Nutrition, Transfusion Medicine, Coagulation – and much more.The topics covered here are sourced from reliable and top-quality reference books on pathology. These multiple-choice questions (MCQs) in pathology serve as valuable resources for various purposes such as interview preparation, entrance exams, competitive assessments, and certifications for individuals at all levels of experience, including experienced professionals, newcomers, and students. Additionally, you can find MCQs on oral histology for further exploration.

51. A patient’s urine with a particular protein appears normal, but on standing it becomes dark. The dark colour disappears on heating. The patent is suffering from______________?

A. Osteoporosis
B. Multiple myeloma
C. Infectious mononcleosis
D. T – cell tumour

52. Hodgkin’s lymphoma can be distinguished from non – Hodgkin’s lymphomas by_________________?

A. Reed – Sternberg cells
B. Systemic manifestations
C. Occurence in young adults
D. All of the above

53. The characteristic finding in chronic myeloid leukemia is______________?

A. Reduced score of alkaline phosphatase in granulocytes
B. Reduced score of acid phosphatase in granulocytes
C. Total lack of platelets
D. Total lack of neutrophils

54. Sickle cell anemia precipitates when______________?

A. Oxygen tension goes down
B. Increased viscosity of blood
C. There is dehydration
D. All of the above

55. Neurologic abnormalities occur with_______________?

A. Foliate deficiency anemia
B. Pernicious anemia
C. Vitamin B12 deficiency anemia
D. Both B and C

56. Deposition of bile pigment in the basal ganglia is called________________?

A. jaundice
B. Kernicterus
C. Haemosiderosis
D. All of the above

57. A shift to left indicates an increase in number of______________?

A. immature neutrophils
B. erythrocytes
C. matures neutrophils
D. Platelets

58. Increased bleeding time is seen in all except______________?

A. Thrombocytopenia
B. Von Willebrand disease
C. Hemophilia
D. Ehlers danlos syndrome

59. The following are recognized causes of neutropenia Except_______________?

A. Corticosteroid therapy
B. Typhoid fever
C. Aplastic anemia
D. Viral infection

60. Prothrombin time indicates the integrity of ____________________?

A. Intrinsic pathway
B. Extrinsic pathway
C. Capillary function
D. All of the above

61. Increased ironbinding capacity and decreased serum iron is seen in which anemia________________?

A. Iron deficiency
B. Aplastic
C. Sickle cell
D. Chronic infections

62. Which of the following is a nutritional deficiency anemia______________?

A. aplastic anemia
B. sickle cell anemia
C. megaloblastic anemia
D. hemolytic anemia

63. IN fanconi anemia there is a_______________?

A. Deficiency of copper
B. Mutation of DNA repair gene
C. No increased risk of Sq. cell carcinoma
D. Purely nutritional disorder etiology

64. Hemophilia A is caused due to deficiency of___________________?

A. Factor X
B. Factor XI
C. Factor IX
D. Factor VIII

65. Sideroblastic anemia is caused due to______________?

A. Mercury
B. Lead
C. Arsenic
D. Iron

66. Which of the following is not an example of massive splenomegaly ________________?

A. Chronic myeloid leukemia
B. Chronic malaria
C. Tropical splenomegaly
D. Acute lymphoblastic leukemia

67. Target cells are seen in peripheral blood in_______________?

A. Thalassemia
B. Pernicious anemia
C. Aplastic anemia
D. Sickle cell anemia

68. Schilling test is performed to find out______________?

A. Folic acid level
B. B12 malabsroption
C. Pancreatic enzyme deficiency
D. Coronary artery disease

69. Hemophilics show_________________?

A. Increased bleeding time and clotting time
B. Decreased bleeding time and clotting time
C. Decreased bleeding time and increased clotting time
D. Normal bleeding time and increased clotting time

70. Reed – Sternberg cells are seen in histopathological examination of_______________?

A. African jaw lymphoma
B. Hodgkin’s disease
C. Burkitt’s lymphoma
D. Infectious mononucleosis

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