pathology mcqs provides all updated Pathology MCQs. MCQs of Pathology content are updated regularly, with the addition of new topics, more questions, and useful links. Repeated pathology MCQs consist of Primary Cardiovascular, Primary Cellular, Primary Endocrine And Renal, Primary Cellular Pathology, Cell Injury, General Pathology, Organ System Pathology, Atherosclerosis-Thrombosis, Embryology, Neoplasia, Nutrition, Transfusion Medicine, Coagulation – and much more.The topics covered here are sourced from reliable and top-quality reference books on pathology. These multiple-choice questions (MCQs) in pathology serve as valuable resources for various purposes such as interview preparation, entrance exams, competitive assessments, and certifications for individuals at all levels of experience, including experienced professionals, newcomers, and students. Additionally, you can find MCQs on oral histology for further exploration.

91. Intrinsic factor for absorption of Vit B12 secreted in ______________?

A. Duodenum
B. Stomach
C. Intestine
D. Ileum

92. Pallor, spoon shaped nails, atrophic glossitis, with accompanied dysphagia is typical picture of ______________?

A. Plummer – Vinson syndrome
B. Trotters syndrome
C. Vincent stomatitis
D. None of the above

93. Increase in number of RBC is seen in ____________?

A. Neutropenia
B. Leukemia
C. Polycythemia
D. Anaemia

94. Hemophilia is best treated by _____________?

A. dried freeze plasma
B. factor VIII concentrate
C. Whole blood
D. cryoprecipitate

95. Torniquet test is function of________________?

A. Platelet function
B. capillary fragility
C. Intrinsic pathway
D. Extrinic pathway

96. Reliable screening test for hemophilia is_______________?


97. Normocytic, Normochromic anemia is seen in______________?

A. Hemolytic anemia
B. chronic disease
C. Acute blood loss
D. All of the above

98. Which of the following is a hemolytic anemia________________?

A. Sickle cell anemia
B. Thalassemia
C. Hereditary spherocytosis
D. All of the above

99. Bence jones proteins are associated with__________________?

A. Hodgkin’s lymphoma
B. Multiple myeloma
C. Burkitt’s lymphoma
D. Infectious mononucleosis

100. In megaloblastic anaemia the cells are___________________?

A. Macrocytic hyperchromic
B. Macrocytic hypochromic
C. Macrocytic normochromic
D. None of the above

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