pharmacology mcqs

Pharmacology explores the interactions between drugs and biological systems, as well as the body’s responses to these drugs. This discipline covers a wide range of topics, including the origins, chemical properties, biological effects, and therapeutic uses of drugs. The impact of drugs can range from therapeutic benefits to potential toxicity, and is influenced by various factors. provides an extensive array of pharmacology MCQs, continuously updated to encompass a wide range of topics. These MCQs span various areas such as neuropharmacology, psychopharmacology, toxicology, clinical pharmacology, molecular and cellular pharmacology, and more. Curated from reputable pharmacology references, these MCQs serve as valuable resources for interviews, entrance exams, competitive assessments, and certifications, catering to individuals at all stages of their careers. Additionally, explore MCQson Dental Materials for further study.

101. All of the following are predominant arteriolar dilators except____________?

A. Sodium Nitro prusside
B. Hydrallazine
C. Nifedipine
D. Nitrates

102. Which one of the following drugs has been shown to offer protection from gastric aspiration syndrome in a patient with symptoms of reflex ?

A. Ondansetron
B. Metoclopramide
C. Sodium citrate
D. Atropine

103. Salbutamol is used in_____________?

A. Cardiac asthma
B. Bronchial asthma
C. Pulmanray oedema
D. Cor pulmonale

104. One of the following is not an antiemetic_____________?

A. Chlorpromazine
B. Digitoxin
C. Metaclopromide
D. Scopolamine

105. INFLIXIMAB (systemic) is used in_____________?

A. Crohn’s disease (treatment)
B. To reduce the number of draining enterocutaneous fistula(s) in patients with fistulizing crohn’s disease
C. Rheumatoid arthritis (treatment)
D. All of the above

106. All the following about antiemetic drugs are correct except_______________?

A. Domperidone blocks the D2 receptors in CTZ and upper gut
B. Domperidone causes Dystonia
C. Ondastran acts on selective 5 -HT3 receptors
D. Ondastran may cause vomiting by effecting the cytotoxic antige receptors

107. Which one of the following drugs is not contraindicated in bronchial asthma ?

A. Morphine
B. Propanolol
C. Stropine
D. Nitroglycerine

108.  Which of the following sympathominetic agents is the most bronchodilator_____________?

A. Amphetamine
B. Nor epinephrine
C. Isoproterenol
D. Phenylephrine

109. Beta blockers are contraindicated in___________?

A. Angina pectoris
B. Cardiac arrhythmia
C. Cardiac failure
D. Myocardial infarction

110. Action of Nitroglycerin is______________?

A. Direct action on smooth muscle
B. Slows SA node conductivity
C. Blocks arrhythmia
D. Increases perfusion to heart

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