physiology mcqs

Our collection of physiology MCQs is meticulously designed to reinforce the conceptual understanding of various topics in biology. Covering a broad spectrum, our Human Physiology MCQs with answers delve into multiple concepts, including human digestion, the nervous system, human reproduction, body fluids and circulation, breathing and gas exchange, the renal system, respiratory system, GIT and liver, endocrinology, locomotion and movement in human sense organs, reflex actions, spinal nerves, physiology of urine formation, insulin physiology, and more. These carefully selected topics are sourced from reputable and authoritative physiology reference books. Our physiology MCQs with answers serve as invaluable resources for individuals preparing for interviews, entrance exams, competitive assessments, and certifications, catering to experienced professionals, newcomers, and students alike. Additionally, explore our MCQs on Pharmacology for further study.

**161. In order to understand that a ball of clay can take a different shape without either losing or gaining substance, which of Piaget’s stages must the child have reached?**

A. sensorimotor
**B. preoperational**
C. formal operational
D. concrete-operational

**162. A change in the structure of a gene that leads to minor or major changes in an organism’s physical constitution is ____________?**

A. mitosis
B. meiosis
C. parthenogenesis
**D. mutation**

**163. The process of interpreting new information in terms of existing schema is termed _______________?**

**A. assimilation**
B. ideation
C. conservation
D. accommodation

**164. Anoxia is ________________?**

A. a disease of the blood cells
B. hyperventilation
**C. interruption of the oxygen supply to the brain**
D. an oversupply of oxygen to the brain

**165. According to Erikson’s developmental theory, the maturity stage deals with which of the following crises?**

A. initiative vs. guilt
B. autonomy vs. doubt
**C. integrity vs. despair**
D. intimacy vs. isolation

**166. The palmar reflex, present in neonates, refers to which behavior?**

A. sucking
B. startle response
**C. hand grasping**
D. head turning

**167. Erikson proposed that trust or mistrust develops during the ____________?**

A. muscular-anal stage
B. latency stage
**C. oral-sensory stage**
D. maturity stage

**168. According to Roger Brown and other psycholinguistic researchers, children refine the way they apply grammatical rules through ______________?**

A. positive reinforcement from caregivers
B. positive conditioning from caregivers
**C. experience and self-correction**
D. memorizing of what others say

**169. Stimulation of the cheek will cause a newborn to begin making sucking responses. This illustrates the __________ reflex?**

**A. Perkinjie**
B. Korsakoff
C. startle
D. rooting

**170. Which of the following choices is not characteristic of infantile autism?**

A. language problem
B. brain lesions
**C. bizarre behavior**
D. extreme aloneness

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