physiology mcqs

Our collection of physiology MCQs is meticulously designed to reinforce the conceptual understanding of various topics in biology. Covering a broad spectrum, our Human Physiology MCQs with answers delve into multiple concepts, including human digestion, the nervous system, human reproduction, body fluids and circulation, breathing and gas exchange, the renal system, respiratory system, GIT and liver, endocrinology, locomotion and movement in human sense organs, reflex actions, spinal nerves, physiology of urine formation, insulin physiology, and more. These carefully selected topics are sourced from reputable and authoritative physiology reference books. Our physiology MCQs with answers serve as invaluable resources for individuals preparing for interviews, entrance exams, competitive assessments, and certifications, catering to experienced professionals, newcomers, and students alike. Additionally, explore our MCQs on Pharmacology for further study.

**181. Diana Baumrind found that which parenting style produces the most well-adjusted children?**

A. Authoritative
B. Authoritarian
C. Permissive
**D. Attached**

**182. The type of study construction in which different subjects at different developmental levels are compared is a _____________?**

A. longitudinal study
**B. cross-sectional study**
C. field study
D. group construction

**183. Speech-like but meaningless sounds appear between 3 months to one year are termed as _______________?**

A. syntax
**B. babble**
C. conserver
D. none of these

**184. According to Noam Chomsky’s theory of transformational grammar, a ‘Kernel’ is ______________________?**

A. the surface structure of a sentence
B. the smallest unit of meaning in a language
**C. the deep structure of a sentence**
D. the basic declarative thought of the sentence

**185. In language, grammar refers to _________________?**

**C. both morphemes and phonemes**
A. the morphemes used
B. the phonemes used
D. the rules used to connect phrases

**186. Vygotsky is best known for his concept of ________________?**

A. transformational grammar
**B. zone of proximal development**
C. psychosocial crises
D. strange situation

**187. What refers to biological differences between males and females present at birth?**

A. gender identity
B. gender role
**C. sex**
D. genotype

**188. What are the problems associated with low birth weight?**

**D. all of these**
A. difficulty maintaining body temperature
B. difficulty with breathing, sucking, swallowing, and digestion
C. susceptibility to infection

**189. This is not a characteristic of the preoperational stage of development __________________?**

A. egocentric thought
**B. understanding of conservation**
C. static thinking
D. problem-solving behavior

**190. Psychologists who specialize in the study of language are called ______________?**

**B. psycholinguists**
A. psycho-grammarists
C. psycho-metricians
D. morphemologists

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