physiology mcqs

Our collection of physiology MCQs is meticulously designed to reinforce the conceptual understanding of various topics in biology. Covering a broad spectrum, our Human Physiology MCQs with answers delve into multiple concepts, including human digestion, the nervous system, human reproduction, body fluids and circulation, breathing and gas exchange, the renal system, respiratory system, GIT and liver, endocrinology, locomotion and movement in human sense organs, reflex actions, spinal nerves, physiology of urine formation, insulin physiology, and more. These carefully selected topics are sourced from reputable and authoritative physiology reference books. Our physiology MCQs with answers serve as invaluable resources for individuals preparing for interviews, entrance exams, competitive assessments, and certifications, catering to experienced professionals, newcomers, and students alike. Additionally, explore our MCQs on Pharmacology for further study.

11. What effect does hyperventilation have on the oxygen binding affinity of hemoglobin ?

A. P50 and oxygen affinity decrease
B. P 50 and oxygen affinity increase
C. P 50 decreases and the oxygen affinity increases
D. P50 increase and the oxygen affinity decreases

12. The best stimulator of respiratory center is____________?

A. Decrease in arterial carbon dioxide level
B. Increase in arterial carbon dioxide level
C. Increase in arterial oxygen level
D. None of the above

13. Oxygen dissociation curve shifts to the right by all of the following except_____________?

A. Rise in temperature
B. Rise in carbon dioxide tension
C. Rise in pH
D. Rise in H+ ion

14. Most effective method of assessing breathing is by measuring____________?

A. Tidal volume
B. Respiratory rate
C. Alveolar ventilation
D. FEV 1

15. The major sign of hypoventilations_____________?

A. Cyanosis
B. Dyspnea
C. Hypercapnia
D. Hypoxia

16. During inspiration when the diaphragm contracts, the intrapleural pressure becomes_____________?

A. More negative
B. Less negative
C. Positive
D. Equal to the intra alveolar pressure

17. Tubuloglomerular feedback occurs in______________?

A. ADH secretion in collecting duct
B. Constant solute load on distal tubule
C. Macula densa
D. Balance between ascending and descending loop of henle

18. Most of the sodium is reabsorbed in_____________?

C. Loop of henle
D. Vasa recta

19. The renal blood flow in (in ml/mt) is______________?

A. 250
B. 800
C. 1260
D. 1500

20. Ammonia in the kidney tubules is excreted in exchange for______________?

A. HCO3-
B. Na+
C. CL-
D. PO4-2

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