physiology mcqs

Our collection of physiology MCQs is meticulously designed to reinforce the conceptual understanding of various topics in biology. Covering a broad spectrum, our Human Physiology MCQs with answers delve into multiple concepts, including human digestion, the nervous system, human reproduction, body fluids and circulation, breathing and gas exchange, the renal system, respiratory system, GIT and liver, endocrinology, locomotion and movement in human sense organs, reflex actions, spinal nerves, physiology of urine formation, insulin physiology, and more. These carefully selected topics are sourced from reputable and authoritative physiology reference books. Our physiology MCQs with answers serve as invaluable resources for individuals preparing for interviews, entrance exams, competitive assessments, and certifications, catering to experienced professionals, newcomers, and students alike. Additionally, explore our MCQs on Pharmacology for further study.

71. Small packets of acetylcholine released randomly from the nerve cell membrane at rest Produces_______________?

A. Inhibitory post synaptic potential
B. Miniature end plate potential
C. Action potential
D. End plate potential

72. Upstroke of action potential would lead to________________?

A. Net current in an outward direction
B. Cell interior becomes more negative
C. Cell interior becomes less negative
D. None of the above

73. The main types of muscle cells are______________?

A. Skeletal and cardiac
B. Smooth and cardiac
C. Smooth and skeletal
D. All of the above

74. Two major types of muscle fibres are found in humans_____________?

A. white and brown
B. White and yellow
C. White and gray
D. White and red

75. The absolute refractory period of an action potential is due to _______________?

A. Insufficient neurotransmitter
B. Depletion of intracellular Na+
C. Inactivation of Na+ k+ ATPase
D. Voltage inactivation of the Na+ channel

76. Increase in threshold level on applying subthreshold, slowly rising stimulus is known as ___________?

A. Adaptation
B. Accommodation
C. Refractoriness
D. Electrotonus

77. The number of muscle fibers in a motor unit are least in______________?

A. Laryngeal muscles
B. Pharyngeal muscles
C. Muscles of middle ear
D. Extraocular muscles

78. Succinyl choline acts to block neuromuscular transmission by_______________?

A. Inhibiting cholinesterase
B. Inhibiting the CNS
C. Depolarizing the motor end plate of skeletal muscle
D. Blocking the release of acetyl choline at the end plate

79. Non true regarding Na/K pump is______________?

A. Pumps Na against a gradient
B. 5 Na+ exchanged for 2K+
C. Increase in intracellular Na
D. Hypocalcemia inhibits the pump

80. A motor unit is made up of______________?

A. A flexor muscle and an extensor muscle
B. A single skeletal muscle and all the motor peurons that supply it
C. A single motor neuron and all the muscle fibers it innervates
D. All the motor neurons in which response are observed after maximal stimulation of a single sensory nerve

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