software engineering mcqs

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) are a great way to test how well a student understands a concept. The experts at Guru MCQs have created these Software Engineering MCQs based on current trends and practices. These MCQs, along with answers, cover all aspects of Software Engineering. They are also helpful for competitive exams like PPSC, FPSC, SPSC, KPPSC, BPSC, and others. The Software Engineering Questions and Answers include topics such as Evolutionary Software Process Models, Selection of a Life Cycle Model, Fourth Generation Techniques, Software Process and Product – 1, Software Process and Product – 2, Agile Software Development, Extreme Programming, Requirement Engineering, Functional and Non-Functional Requirements, Requirement Elicitation, Requirement Elicitation Techniques – 1, Requirement Elicitation Techniques – 2, Requirement Analysis, Requirement Documentation, Requirement Management, etc. If you’re interested, you can also find Civil Engineering Questions and Answers on the platform.

61. A chemical plant system may detect excessive pressure and open a relief valve to reduce these pressures before an explosion occurs. What kind of dependability and security issue the example states ?

A. Hazard avoidance
B. Damage limitation
C. Hazard detection
D. Hazard detection and removal

62. The safety of a system is a system attribute that reflects the system’s ability to operate, normally or abnormally, without injury to people or damage to the environment ?

A. True
B. False

63. An erroneous system state that can lead to system behavior that is unexpected by system users is known as________________?

A. Human error or mistake
B. System fault
C. System error
D. System failure

64. An assessment of the worst possible damage that could result from a particular hazard is known as _________________?

A. Risk
B. Hazard probability
C. Hazard severity
D. Mishap

65. A password checking system that disallows user passwords that are proper names or words that are normally included in a dictionary is an example of ________________ with respect to security systems?

A. risk
B. control
C. attack
D. asset

66. A weakness in a computer-based system that may be exploited to cause loss or harm is known as ?

A. Vulnerability
B. Attack
C. Threat
D. Exposure

67. Consider a case where the system is unavailable and cannot deliver its services to users. What type of failure is being described here ?

A. Loss of service
B. Incorrect service delivery
C. System/data corruption
D. None of the mentioned

68. An event that occurs at some point in time when the system does not deliver a service as expected by its users is called __________________?

A. Human error or mistake
B. System fault
C. System error
D. System failure

69. How many stages are there in Risk-driven requirements specification ?

A. three
B. four
C. five
D. six

70. POFOD stands for___________________?

A. Possibility of failure of data
B. Probability of failure of data
C. Possibility of failure on demand
D. Probability of failure on demand

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