software engineering mcqs

Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) are a great way to test how well a student understands a concept. The experts at Guru MCQs have created these Software Engineering MCQs based on current trends and practices. These MCQs, along with answers, cover all aspects of Software Engineering. They are also helpful for competitive exams like PPSC, FPSC, SPSC, KPPSC, BPSC, and others. The Software Engineering Questions and Answers include topics such as Evolutionary Software Process Models, Selection of a Life Cycle Model, Fourth Generation Techniques, Software Process and Product – 1, Software Process and Product – 2, Agile Software Development, Extreme Programming, Requirement Engineering, Functional and Non-Functional Requirements, Requirement Elicitation, Requirement Elicitation Techniques – 1, Requirement Elicitation Techniques – 2, Requirement Analysis, Requirement Documentation, Requirement Management, etc. If you’re interested, you can also find Civil Engineering Questions and Answers on the platform.

81. What is the term for a system that is designed such that the faults in the delivered software do not result in system failure ?

A. Fault Avoidance
B. Fault detection
C. Fault tolerance
D. None of the mentioned

82. The use of a well-defined, repeatable process is essential if faults in a system are to be minimized ?

A. True
B. False

83. What is a Range check ?

A. Check that the input does not exceed some maximum size e.g. 40 characters for a name
B. Check that the input falls within a known range
C. Use information about the input to check if it is reasonable rather than an extreme value
D. None of the mentioned

84. Exception handling is a mechanism to provide some fault avoidance ?

A. True
B. False

85. Which of the following is not a Protection system ?

A. System to stop a train if it passes a red light
B. System to indicate not returning of the library book
C. System to shut down a reactor if temperature/pressure are too high
D. None of the mentioned

86. Which of the following is a bad practice of Dependable programming ?

A. Limit the visibility of information in a program
B. Check array bounds
C. Check all inputs for validity
D. None of the mentioned

87. Which of the following is a layer of protection for Security ?

A. Platform-level protection
B. Application-level protection
C. Record-level protection
D. All of the mentioned

88. What are security controls ?

A. Controls that are intended to ensure that attacks are unsuccessful
B. Controls that are intended to detect and repel attacks
C. Controls that are intended to support recovery from problems
D. All of the mentioned

89. Controls that are intended to ensure that attacks are unsuccessful is analogous to ______________ in dependability engineering?

A. Fault avoidance
B. Fault tolerance
C. Fault detection
D. Fault Recovery

90. Security engineering is only concerned with maintenance of systems such that they can resist malicious attacks ?

A. True
B. False

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