English Most repeated MCQs

GuruMCQs bring English Grammar and Vocabulary Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs). Most repeated English MCQs section frequently encountered in CSS, PMS, Inspector, ASI, Sub-inspector, Constable, FPSC, PPSC, ETEA, FIA, Police, Army, Navy, Airforce, IB, MOFA, ASF, LHC, Educators, and various other competitive exams, as well as government and private job assessments. English most repeated MCQs include Idioms and phrases, Sentence Correction MCQs, Synonyms MCQs, Antonyms MCQs, Prepositions MCQs, Analytical Reasoning MCQs Active and passive Voice MCQs, and Direct and indirect MCQs. To obtain a downloadable PDF of these important English MCQs, simply click the provided button.

211. I was sitting in the cafe when you __ me.

A. Call
B. Called
C. Will call
D. Calling

212. I ___ put up some pictures.

A. Am going to
B. Going to
C. Shall be
D. Am

213. He ___ a bike when he met an accident.

A. Is riding
B. Was riding
C. Riding
D. none

214. I ____ tea when the door bell rang.

A. Made
B. Making
C. Was making
D. None of these

215. The meeting ___ by the time we gather.

A. End
B. Will have ended
C. Will end
D. Have end

216. My mother ___ to me for ten years.

A. Was not writing
B. Has not been writing
C. Not write
D. None of these

217. The bus moved while I ___ it.

A. Am boarding
B. Boarded
C. Was boarding
D. Board

218. People were _____ kites.

A. Flew
B. Flying
C. Flies
D. None of these

219. Last summer, we ____ many places.

A. Visited
B. Visit
C. Visits
D. Was visit

220. She is interested ___ learning Spanish

A. in

B. at

C. with

D. on

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