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31. Who assassinated to Lord Louis Mountbatten the last Viceroy of United India?

A. Thomas Saviory
B. Henry Lekvin
C. Thomas McMahon
D. Ravin Simmon Bovey

32. After the war of independence the British Government assumed control of India through:

A. Indian council Act, 1862
B. Queens proclamation of 1858
C. Queens order,1857
D. East India Company order 1858

33. Lord Curzon created province of NWFP in__________?

A. 1900
B. 1901
C. 1906
D. None of these

34. How many years Aurangzeb Aalmgir ruled India?

A. 40
B. 49
C. 52
D. None of these

35. How many years british dynasty ruled India?

A. 100
B. 90
C. 85
D. None of these

36. How many years Iltutmish dynasty ruled India?

A. 20
B. 25
C. 30
D. None of these

37. How many years suri dynasty ruled India?

A. 12
B. 16
C. 17
D. None of these

38. How many years slave dynasty ruled India?

A. 82
B. 84
C. 86
D. None of these

39. Bengal was divided into two parts. In which part the Muslims were in majority?

A. Western Bengal
B. Eastern Bengal 
C. North Western Bengal
D. None of these

40. Lord ________ issued an order of diving the province of bengal into two parts in July 20, 1905.

A. Lord lytton
B. Lord Curzon 
C. Lord Hastings
D. Lord Wallington

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