pakistan history mcqs provides all updated History  Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs). More than 2000 History MCQ questions and answers with a solution for competitive exams and government exams. Pakistan history most repeated MCQs include Pakistan History MCQs, Indian History MCQs, World Wars, Battles, Historic monuments, Empires, Ancient History, Mughal Empires, Maratha Empires, Khalji Dynasty, Mauryan Empires, Medieval History, Conquerors, Rulers, Ancient History Art and Culture, and leaders in past, Revolutions, Modern History, Struggle for Independence of Pakistan – and much more.

41. The Tughlaq Dynasty was founded in India in ___________?

A. 1298
B. 1278
C. 1320 
D. 1326

42. Which Mughal Emperor transferred the Mughal Capital from Agra to Delhi?

A. Jahangir
B. Aurangzeb
C. Shah jahan
D. Bahadur Shah

43. Which of the following is not true about First Anglo-Mysore War?

A. First Anglo-Mysore War fought in AD 1767-69
B. Hyder Ali defeated the English in the First Anglo-Mysore War
C. Treaty of Madras was the result of First Anglo-Mysore War
D. All of the above are incorrect

44. Anthony MacDonnel was the lieutenant governor of _________?

A. Sindh
B. Punjab
C. United provinces
D. Central provinces

45. The people of India agitated against the arrival of Simon Commission because:

A. Indians never wanted the review of the working of the Act of 1919
B. Simon Commission recommended the abolition of Dyarchy (Diarchy) in the Provinces
C. there was no Indian member in the Simon Commission
D. the Simon Commission suggested the partition of the country

46. Which Governor General decided to make English as the medium of instruction in India ?

A. Lord Canning
B. Lord Wellselly
C. Lord Harding
D. Lord William Bentick

47. Who Was The First To Raise The Slogan ‘Inquilab Zindabad’?

A. M Kelappan
B. Maulana Hasrat Mohani
C. Shankaran Nair
D. Veer Savarkar

48. The British attitude towards granting India independence changed partly owing to the

A. Change in the government of the UK
B. Impact of World War II
C. Growing tide of Indian Nationalism
D. All of the above

49. The single biggest item of British capital investment in India was __________?

A. Railways
B. Plantations and mines
C. Banking and insurance
D. Shipping

50. Who among the following founded the Royal Asiatic Society of Bengal?

A. William Jones
B. Lord Cornwallis John
C. Shore
D. Warren Hastings

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