pakistan history mcqs provides all updated History  Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs). More than 2000 History MCQ questions and answers with a solution for competitive exams and government exams. Pakistan history most repeated MCQs include Pakistan History MCQs, Indian History MCQs, World Wars, Battles, Historic monuments, Empires, Ancient History, Mughal Empires, Maratha Empires, Khalji Dynasty, Mauryan Empires, Medieval History, Conquerors, Rulers, Ancient History Art and Culture, and leaders in past, Revolutions, Modern History, Struggle for Independence of Pakistan – and much more.

61. Which political party in Sindh won the Maximum seats in elections of 1937.
A. Sindh independent party
B. Muslim league
C. Sindh united party
D. Progressive Alliance

62. Who scaled Mt. Everest for 27th time in May 2023?
A. Zahran Alqasmi
B. Sherpa kami Rita
C. Vsevolod Kniaziev
D. Naila Kiani

63. Which team was runner-up in fifa world cup 2022-23?
A. Morocco
B. Argentina
C. France
D. Brazil