judiciary and law mcqs

Law, as a discipline and profession, deals with the customs, practices, and rules of conduct recognized by a community as binding. These rules are enforced through controlling authorities. The Gurumcqs  offers over 2000 Law MCQs to help students prepare for various school, college, and university examinations. These Law MCQs cover a wide range of topics, including basic law concepts, the second constitution of Pakistan, the Pakistan Penal Code 1860, the Code of Criminal Procedure 1898, the Offences of Zina Ordinance 1979, and more. They are valuable not only for exam preparation but also for interviews, competitive exams, and legal job roles such as Law Lecturers, Legal Advisors, and Legal Associates. Additionally, you can explore MCQs related to Sociology. 📚🔍

221. Constitutional Fourteenth Amendment was published in official Gazette on ________________?

A. 3rd July, 1997
B. 4th July, 1997
C. 5th July, 1997
D. None of above

222. Constitution Fifteenth amendment bill was passed by National Assembly on_________________?

A. 15th October, 1997
B. 15th October, 1998
C. 15th October, 1999
D. None of above

223. Constitution Sixteenth Amendment Act was enacted on__________________?

A. 3rd August, 1997
B. 3rd August, 1998
C. 3rd August, 1999
D. None of above

224. Constitution Sixteenth Amendment amended __________ Articles?

A. 1(27)
B. 2(27, 29)
C. 3(27, 29, 40)
D. None of above

225. It was provided through ______ Amendment in the Constitution Article 58, after clause (2) the following new clause shall be added, namely (3) the President in case of dissolution of the National Assembly under paragraph (b) of clause (2) shall, within fifteen days of the dissolution, refer the matter to the Supreme Court and te Supreme Court shall decide the reference within thirty days whose decision shall be final?

A. 15th
B. 16th
C. 17th
D. None of above

226. Constitution tenth Amendment was enacted on ___________________?

A. 25th February, 1987
B. 25th March, 1987
C. 25th April, 1987
D. None of above

227. Tenth Amendment of the Constitution amended ____________ Articles?

A. 2
B. 4
C. 6
D. None of above

228. Constitution Twelfths Amendment was enacted on____________________?

A. 28th June, 1981
B. 27th July, 1991
C. 28th August, 1991
D. None of above

229. Constitution of 1973 was amended by the Thirteenth Amendment on___________________?

A. 3rd April, 1997
B. 3rd May, 1997
C. 3rd June, 1997
D. None of above

230. Through __________ Amendment new Article 63A (Disqualification on ground of defection) was added ?

A. Thirteenth
B. Fourteenth
C. Fifteenth
D. None of above

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