judiciary and law mcqs

Law, as a discipline and profession, deals with the customs, practices, and rules of conduct recognized by a community as binding. These rules are enforced through controlling authorities. The Gurumcqs  offers over 2000 Law MCQs to help students prepare for various school, college, and university examinations. These Law MCQs cover a wide range of topics, including basic law concepts, the second constitution of Pakistan, the Pakistan Penal Code 1860, the Code of Criminal Procedure 1898, the Offences of Zina Ordinance 1979, and more. They are valuable not only for exam preparation but also for interviews, competitive exams, and legal job roles such as Law Lecturers, Legal Advisors, and Legal Associates. Additionally, you can explore MCQs related to Sociology. 📚🔍

321. The right to retain the property by a Bailee until the charges due un respect of property are paid is called___________?
A. Right to compensation
B. Right of Lien
C. Right of Remuneration
D. None of these


322. The damages which do not form part of the law of contract are known as___________?
A. Special damages
B. Vindictive damages
C. special damages
D. None of these

323. What is the time period of limitation for a land lord to recover possession from a tenant ?
A. 12 years
B. 16 years
C. 10 years
D. 8 years

324. What is the limitation period against a mortgagee to redeem or to recover possession of immovable property which is mortgaged?
A. 60 years
B. 50 years
C. 40 years
D. 30 years

325. What is the limitation period for a mortgagee for foreclosure or sale of immovable property ?
A. 12 years
B. 30 years
C. 50 years
D. 60 years

326. If after the death of the person who is regarded as legally disabled , his Representatives also sufger from legal disability then what will happen?
A. Period of limitation will start
B. period of limitation will start after the cease of the legal disability
C. Any of above
D. None of these

327. How many articles and schedules are there in the Act of 1935?
A. 312 sections and 8 schedules
B. 321 sections and 10 schedules
C. 331 sections and 10 schedules
D. 325 sections and 11 schedules

328. Quorum of Senate is_________?
A. one-third
B. one-fourth
C. one-fifth
D. None Of These

329. When all or some of the terms of the contract are cancelled. The contract is said to be________?
A. Altered
B. Novated
C. Rescinded
D. None of these

330. When one or more terms of the parties are altered with the consent of the parties.it is known as:
A. Novation
B. Rescission
C. Alteration
D. None of these

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