judiciary and law mcqs

Law, as a discipline and profession, deals with the customs, practices, and rules of conduct recognized by a community as binding. These rules are enforced through controlling authorities. The Gurumcqs  offers over 2000 Law MCQs to help students prepare for various school, college, and university examinations. These Law MCQs cover a wide range of topics, including basic law concepts, the second constitution of Pakistan, the Pakistan Penal Code 1860, the Code of Criminal Procedure 1898, the Offences of Zina Ordinance 1979, and more. They are valuable not only for exam preparation but also for interviews, competitive exams, and legal job roles such as Law Lecturers, Legal Advisors, and Legal Associates. Additionally, you can explore MCQs related to Sociology. 📚🔍

331. When the parties to a contract agree to substitute a new contract that is called________?
A. Alteration
B. Novation
C. Rescission
D. None of these

332. Mistakes committed regarding Law by both the parties while making a contract resulted in:
A. Making a valid contract
B. making a voidable contract
C. Making a void contract
D. None of these

333. What is the limitation period for specific performance of contract ?
A. One year
B. Two year
C. Three year
D. Four year

334. What is the limitation period under section 9 of specific Relief Act to recover possession of immovable property ?
A. 2 months
B. 3 months
C. 4 months
D. 6 months

335. What is the limitation period to contest an award in revenue cases?
A. 30 days
B. 60 days
C. 90 days
D. 100 days

336. In case the plaintiff ckaims exclusion of the period of defends absence from Pakistan or from territory under the administration of the Govt. of Pakistan , under the section of Limitation Act.1908.
A. 13
B. 14
C. 15
D. 16

337. Person disabled on account of insanity or minority can file suit when:
A. Disability ceases to exist
B. Disability start
C. In the middle of disability
D. None of these

338. President of Pakistan is empowered to appoint Chairman joint chief of staff committee under article?
A. 243(4)(a)
B. 243(4)(b)
C. 243(4)(c)
D. 243(4)(d)

239. President of Pakistan is empowered to appoint the Chief of the Naval Staff under which article of Constitution of Pakistan 1973:
A. 243(4)(a)
B. 243(4)(b)
C. 243(4)(c)
D. None of these

340. Establishment of Supreme Court of Pakistan is under which article of the Constitution of Pakistan 1973
A. 175
B. 176
C. 177
D. None of these

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