judiciary and law mcqs

Law, as a discipline and profession, deals with the customs, practices, and rules of conduct recognized by a community as binding. These rules are enforced through controlling authorities. The Gurumcqs  offers over 2000 Law MCQs to help students prepare for various school, college, and university examinations. These Law MCQs cover a wide range of topics, including basic law concepts, the second constitution of Pakistan, the Pakistan Penal Code 1860, the Code of Criminal Procedure 1898, the Offences of Zina Ordinance 1979, and more. They are valuable not only for exam preparation but also for interviews, competitive exams, and legal job roles such as Law Lecturers, Legal Advisors, and Legal Associates. Additionally, you can explore MCQs related to Sociology. 📚🔍

411. Whoever use violence or arms for committing or attept to commit an offence for facilitating, or trafficking of narcotic drugs he committed offence under_______________?
A. Section 7, of the Control of Narcotic Sbstances Act, 1997
B. Section 8, of the Control of Narcotics Substances Act, 1997
C. Section 8A, of the Control of Narcotics Substances Act, 1997
D. None of above

412. Whoever contravenes the provisions of section 6, 7 or 8 shall be punishable with punishments as provided in section ______________??
A. 9(a)
B. 9(b)
C. 9(c)
D. All of above

413. Whoever keep in possession narcotic substance, psychotropic substance or controlled substance of the quantity of 10 grams or less shall be dealt by____________?
A. 9(a)
B. 9(b)
C. 9(c)
D. None of above

414. Section 9 clause (b) provides punishment of imprisonment which may extend ____________ years?
A. Five years
B. Seven years
C. Ten years
D. None of above

415. Whoever commits offence under section 9(c) of the Control of Narcotics Substances Act, 1997 shall be punished with______________?
A. Death
B. Imprisonment for life
C. Imprisonment for a term which may extend to fourteen years and fine which may be up to one million rupees
D. Any sentence from the above

416. Whoever contravenes the provision of section 10 of the Control of Narcotics Substances Act, 1997 shall be punishable with imprisonment which may extend to_______________?
A. Fourteen years
B. Twenty five years not less than ten years
C. Five years
D. None of above

417. Section 12, of the Control of Narcotics Substances Act, 1997 deals with______________?
A. Prohibition of acquisition and possession of assets derived from narcotics offences
B. Prohibition of acquisition and possession of assets derived from robbery offences
C. Prohibition of acquisition and possession of assets derived from hudood offences
D. None of above

418. Section __________ of the Control of Narcotics Substances Act, 1997 provides punishment for contravention of section 12?
A. 12(a)
B. 12(b)
C. 13
D. All of above

419. Punishment for contravention of section 14 of the Control of Narcotic Substances Act is provided in________________?
A. Section 14A
B. Section 15
C. Section 15A
D. None of above

420. Whoever contravenes any provision of the Control of Narcotics Substances Act, 1997 or any rule or order made, or any licence, permit or authorization issued there under for while no punishment is separately provided in this chapter, shall be punishable with imprisonment of a term which may extend to________________?
A. One year or with fine
B. Two years or with fine
C. Three years or with fine
D. None of above

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