marketing mcqs

If you need assistance preparing for a marketing exam or test, provides Marketing MCQs with answers and explanations. These MCQs are beneficial for students pursuing MBA, MMS, BBA, Bcom, Mcom, PGDM, MMM, and MCA. They are also valuable for NTS, FPSC, KPPSC, ETEA, and other test preparations. The Marketing MCQs cover a range of topics including Core Concepts of Marketing, Marketing Management, Marketing Mix (Price, Product, Promotion, Place), New Product Development, Brand Management, Marketing Environment, Consumer Behavior, Integrated Marketing Communications, and more. Additionally, you can find Finance MCQs with answers on the platform.

151. e-CRM can be defined as:
A. The efficient handling of all customer relations by web-based methods integrated into back office systems
B. A marketing philosophy aimed at developing added value experiences via integrated business functions
C. An enterprise-wide system that integrates timely communications for profitable relationships
D. The development of customer relationships through the analysis of web metrics

152. The CAN SPAM Act of 2003 relates to:
A. Text messaging campaigns that require opt-in lists
B. Distance Selling regulations in Europe
C. The control of Permission-based e-mail marketing
D. The key requirements governing the sending of commercial e-mails in the United States

153. Eliciting customer opinions on products and services relates to which one of Kotler’s relationship levels?
A. Partner
B. Reactive
C. Accountable
D. Proactive

154. Reicheld suggests that customer attitudes towards loyalty are driven by:
A. Their perception of value
B. Their expectations
C. The service gap
D. The delivery of the brand proposition

155. Front Office CRM Systems covering real-time aspects of sales related activity is referred to as:
A. Automated Marketing
B. CRM Customer Communications
C. CRM Customer Services
D. Sales Force Automation

156. A 2004 BT/EIU survey on the barriers to successful CRM implementation rated what as the most important factor?
A. Failure to measure customer satisfaction
B. Lack of training for people using CRM applications
C. Difficulties capturing the right customer data
D. Failure to integrate back office systems properly

157. Rosenspan identifies a key problem with Permission Marketing which is:
A. It is built around the customer’s schedule
B. It is built around the marketer’s schedule
D. Privacy Issues

158. Online Personalisation relies on:
A. Individual customers volunteering increasing amounts of personal data
B. Upholding customer privacy
C. Cluster Analysis
D. Collaborative Filtering

159. Phishing is:
A. Verification of online identities
B. The process of stealing personal data after luring consumers to seemingly, legitimate web sites
C. Illegal use of cookies
D. Media scaremongering about online fraud

160. The ‘Privacy Paradox’ refers to:
A. The desire for the personalisation of products balanced with the concern for privacy
B. Business success and customer respect
C. Data minimization and privacy
D. Balancing online trust and customer satisfaction

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