marketing mcqs

If you need assistance preparing for a marketing exam or test, provides Marketing MCQs with answers and explanations. These MCQs are beneficial for students pursuing MBA, MMS, BBA, Bcom, Mcom, PGDM, MMM, and MCA. They are also valuable for NTS, FPSC, KPPSC, ETEA, and other test preparations. The Marketing MCQs cover a range of topics including Core Concepts of Marketing, Marketing Management, Marketing Mix (Price, Product, Promotion, Place), New Product Development, Brand Management, Marketing Environment, Consumer Behavior, Integrated Marketing Communications, and more. Additionally, you can find Finance MCQs with answers on the platform.

161. Which of the following is the odd one out?
A. Geographic portals
B. Provider portals
C. Special interest portals
D. Information portals

162. Which of the following is not a marketing objective for a web site?
A. Brand development
B. Customer service / support
C. Revenue generation
D. Cost saving

163. A successful web site development ‘dream team’ would not include:
A. Graphic designers
B. Copy writers
C. Programmers
D. All of these should be part of a development team

164. The concept of persuasion architecture is:
A. Developing a web site that sells things
B. Developing a web site’s structure of so that it focuses on influencing customers to take an action that will meet their needs
C. Developing a web site’s navigation so that a user must take an action before they leave
D. Developing a web site’s usability to maximize sales

165. What is the missing word in this quote from Jacob Nielsen (2001)?
“_________ means making technology easy and approachable for people, making technology adapt to the way people behave, not the other way round.”
A. Navigation
B. Persuasive architecture
B. Usability
G Good design

166. With regard to a web site’s credibility, which of the following is the odd one out?
A. The site’s content has always been accurate and unbiased
B. The provider is a non-profit organisation
C. Users are familiar with the provider outside of the web content
D. The site doesn’t give any contact information

167. What is a ‘landing page’?
A. A page that has only internal links going to it
B. A page which has no content
C. A page that has no links going to it
D. A page that has only external links going to it

168. With regard to the textual content on a web site, which of the following is an accurate statement?
A. Copy persuades, content informs
B. Content persuades, copy informs
C. Content and copy both inform and persuade
D. Copy and content are the same thing

169. In web design, why is the phrase ‘familiarity breeds contempt’ not applicable?
A. Because users like to see different types of design on every web site they visit
B. Because familiarity of web site design actually breeds acceptance
C. Because familiarity on web sites is boring
D. Because users do not know what is familiar and what isn’t

170. Which of the following is not a type of global web site?
A. A web site developed for a global organisation for a country in which it has a physical presence
B. A web site developed for a domestic organisation that is a translation of the organisation’s ‘home’ web site
C. A web site on a .com domain name
D. A single web site of a domestic organisation that caters for global audience

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