marketing mcqs

If you need assistance preparing for a marketing exam or test, provides Marketing MCQs with answers and explanations. These MCQs are beneficial for students pursuing MBA, MMS, BBA, Bcom, Mcom, PGDM, MMM, and MCA. They are also valuable for NTS, FPSC, KPPSC, ETEA, and other test preparations. The Marketing MCQs cover a range of topics including Core Concepts of Marketing, Marketing Management, Marketing Mix (Price, Product, Promotion, Place), New Product Development, Brand Management, Marketing Environment, Consumer Behavior, Integrated Marketing Communications, and more. Additionally, you can find Finance MCQs with answers on the platform.

21. The factor which does not lead in product price increasing is _________?

A. cost inflation
B. over demand
C. anticipatory pricing
D. predatory pricing

22. The pricing strategy practiced by company according to which prices are high for products at introduction stage and drops overtime is classified as _________?

A. push pricing strategy
B. market penetration pricing
C. market skimming pricing
D. quality leadership pricing

23. The reduction of price awarded to the customers who pay their bills promptly is classified as ________?

A. non-functional discount
B. discount
C. quantity discount
D. descriptive discount

24. The type of trading in which buyers and sellers exchange goods in place of payments is classified as _______?

A. ascending trade
B. sealed trade
C. countertrade
D. descending trade

25. The price discrimination in which seller charges different prices to different customers on the basis of their demand is classified as __________?

A. second-degree price discrimination
B. first-degree price discrimination
C. third-degree discrimination
D. fourth-degree discrimination

26. Considering auction-type pricing, the techniques are involved like ___________?

A. English auctions
B. Dutch auctions
C. Sealed-bid auctions
D. all of the above

27. If the unit cost is $25 and the desired return on sales is 60% then the markup price is _________?

A. $62.50
B. $65.50
C. $69.50
D. $75.50

28. The desired return is subtracted from 1 and is divided by unit cost to calculate __________?

A. markup demand
B. unit cost
C. markup cost
D. markup price

29. The fixed cost is divided by unit sales and then added into variable cost for calculation is ___________?

A. markup demand
B. unit cost
C. markup cost
D. markup price

30. The pricing technique through sellers charge constant low prices without any sales promotion effort is classified as ________?

A. perceived pricing
B. everyday low pricing
C. high low pricing
D. value pricing

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