marketing mcqs

If you need assistance preparing for a marketing exam or test, provides Marketing MCQs with answers and explanations. These MCQs are beneficial for students pursuing MBA, MMS, BBA, Bcom, Mcom, PGDM, MMM, and MCA. They are also valuable for NTS, FPSC, KPPSC, ETEA, and other test preparations. The Marketing MCQs cover a range of topics including Core Concepts of Marketing, Marketing Management, Marketing Mix (Price, Product, Promotion, Place), New Product Development, Brand Management, Marketing Environment, Consumer Behavior, Integrated Marketing Communications, and more. Additionally, you can find Finance MCQs with answers on the platform.

31. The maximum current profit, market skimming, product quality leadership and market share are considered as the techniques of _________?

A. determining demand
B. select pricing objective
C. analyzing prices of competitor’s
D. estimating costs

32. If the total cost is $70000 and the level of production is 30000 units then the average cost will be __________?

A. $2.33
B. $3.33
C. $4.33
D. $5.33

33. The demand curve for the prestige goods slopes is __________?

A. upward
B. downward
C. leftward
D. rightward

34. If the unit cost is $30, desired return on sales is 75%, invested capital $60000 and units sold are 20000 then target return price is __________?

A. $45.25
B. $40.25
C. $36.25
D. $32.25

35. The demand for a particular product can decline if the price is _________?

A. stable
B. high
C. low
D. constant

36. The problem arises in price cut when the customer’s assume that quality of product has become poor is called __________?

A. low-quality trap
B. fragile-market-share trap
C. shallow-pockets trap
D. price-war traps

37. The price cut technique which results in increasing market share but less loyal customers in market is classified as ___________?

A. low-quality trap
B. fragile-market-share trap
C. shallow-pockets trap
D. price-war traps

38. The kind of industry in which sellers of commodities such as paper, fertilizer and steel is classified as ________?

A. every day competitive industry
B. oligopolistic industry
C. monopolistic industry
D. pure competition industry

39. The form of countertrade in which buyer’s and seller’s exchange goods without involving any third party is classified as _________?

A. barter
B. compensation deal
C. offset
D. buy back arrangement

40. The bidding technique in which only one bid is submitted by sellers is classified as ________?

A. equalizing-bid auctions
B. descending bids auction
C. ascending bids auctions
D. sealed-bid auctions

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