medical mcqs

Medicine encompasses the domain of health and healing, involving professionals such as nurses, doctors, and various specialists. This field addresses the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of diseases, as well as medical research and various aspects of health. offers over 2000 medical MCQs with detailed explanations for medical exam preparation and tests. These medical MCQs cover a wide range of topics, including basic sciences, clinical sciences, principles and practices of medicine, intensive care medicine, Nursing MCQs, Medical devices, Physical and occupational therapy, and more. Additionally, you can find MCQs on biochemistry on the platform.

**Question 111:**
**Smooth surface caries is characterized by the spread of caries in enamel and dentin as cones. These alignments in enamel and dentin are:**
– A) Base to base
– **B) Apex to base**
– C) Apex to apex
– D) None of the above

**Question 112:**
**Oral foci of Miller’s are seen in:**
– A) Dental caries
– B) Lichen planus
– C) Herpes simplex
– **D) Syphilis**

**Question 113:**
**Bacteria responsible for the initiation of caries is:**
– A) Actinomyces
– **B) Strep. mutans**
– C) Lactobacillus
– D) Strep. viridans

**Question 114:**
**S. mutans is involved in dental caries initiation. Other bacteria also involved is:**
– A) S. Sarcinus
– B) S. macae
– **C) S. sanguis**
– D) S. salivarius

**Question 115:**
**Widely accepted theory of dental caries:**
– A) Proteolytic theory
– B) Proteolytic chelation theory
– **C) Acidogenic theory**
– D) Autoimmune theory

**Question 116:**
**The number of dentinal zones in dentinal caries is:**
– A) One
– B) Two
– C) Four
– **D) Five**

**Question 117:**
**In a patient with reduced salivary flow, the carious incidence is:**
– **A) More than the patient with normal salivary flow**
– B) Less than the patient with normal salivary flow
– C) Unaffected
– D) None of the above

**Question 118:**
**The extracellular polysaccharide synthesized by cariogenic streptococci in the presence of excess sucrose is best described as:**
– A) Mucopolysaccharide
– **B) Dextran-like glucan**
– C) Glycogen-like glucan
– D) Amylopectin

**Question 119:**
**Lactobacilli are numerous in carious lesions because they:**
– A) Are the main causative agent
– **B) Can produce insoluble extracellular polysaccharides**
– C) Can attack smooth enamel surfaces
– D) Are secondary invaders

**Question 120:**
**Tumor represented T2 N2 M0 is classified as:**
– A) Stage I
– B) Stage II
– **C) Stage III**
– D) Stage IV

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