medical mcqs

Medicine encompasses the domain of health and healing, involving professionals such as nurses, doctors, and various specialists. This field addresses the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of diseases, as well as medical research and various aspects of health. offers over 2000 medical MCQs with detailed explanations for medical exam preparation and tests. These medical MCQs cover a wide range of topics, including basic sciences, clinical sciences, principles and practices of medicine, intensive care medicine, Nursing MCQs, Medical devices, Physical and occupational therapy, and more. Additionally, you can find MCQs on biochemistry on the platform.

**Question 121:**
**Sturge Weber syndrome is characterized by all EXCEPT:**
– A) Exophytic oral Hemangioma
– B) Facial hematoma
– C) Tramline calcification of dura on lateral cephalogram
– **D) Facial hemangioma**

**Question 122:**
**Keratocanthoma is found most commonly on:**
– **A) Lip**
– B) Gingiva
– C) Tongue
– D) Hard palate

**Question 123:**
**Clear cells are seen in:**
– A) Chondrosarcoma
– **B) Osteosarcoma**
– C) Fibrosarcoma
– D) Ewing’s sarcoma

**Question 124:**
**Neoplastic transformation in leukoplakia is seen most commonly in:**
– A) Buccal mucosa
– **B) Floor of mouth**
– C) Lateral border of tongue
– D) Palate

**Question 125:**
**Plasma cell tumor of bones with B-lymphocytic origin is:**
– A) Plasmacytoma
– **B) Multiple myeloma**
– C) Burkitt’s lymphoma
– D) None of the above
– E) Both A & B

**Question 126:**
**The following lesion is a doubtful premalignant lesion for oral malignancy:**
– A) Leukoplakia
– B) Chronic hyperplastic candidiasis
– **C) Erythroplakia**
– D) Oral lichen planus

**Question 127:**
**Definitive diagnosis of oral cancer is made by:**
– A) Complete radiographic survey
– **B) Biopsy**
– C) Exfoliative cytology
– D) Pantograph

**Question 128:**
**Diffuse erythema (pinpoint petechiae) and white patches in smoker’s palate occur due to:**
– A) Complete obstruction to minor salivary gland orifices
– **B) Keratinization with partially occluded minor salivary glands**
– C) Diffuse parakeratinization of the palate
– D) Excessive orthokeratinization of the palate

**Question 129:**
**Histochemical demonstration of glycogen in the cells can help in the diagnosis of:**
– A) Malignant melanoma
– B) Squamous cell carcinoma
– C) Kaposi’s sarcoma
– **D) Ewing’s sarcoma**

**Question 130:**
**On biopsy report of CGCG, based on histologically & morphologically similarities, differential diagnosis is made between:**
– A) Fibrous dysplasia
– **B) Hyperparathyroidism**
– C) Osteitis deformans
– D) Hyperthyroidism

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