medical mcqs

Medicine encompasses the domain of health and healing, involving professionals such as nurses, doctors, and various specialists. This field addresses the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of diseases, as well as medical research and various aspects of health. offers over 2000 medical MCQs with detailed explanations for medical exam preparation and tests. These medical MCQs cover a wide range of topics, including basic sciences, clinical sciences, principles and practices of medicine, intensive care medicine, Nursing MCQs, Medical devices, Physical and occupational therapy, and more. Additionally, you can find MCQs on biochemistry on the platform.

**Question 131:**
**Fibroma combined with glandular tissue is:**
– A) Neurofibroma
– **B) Fibroadenoma**
– C) Fibrolipoma
– D) Fibromyoma

**Question 132:**
**Which of the following is false about ossifying fibroma?**
– A) Affects people in 3-4 decade of life
– **B) Maxilla affected more than the mandible**
– C) Circumscribed radio opacity
– D) Continuous growth

**Question 133:**
**Treatment for verrucous carcinoma is:**
– **A) Surgery**
– B) Radiotherapy
– C) Chemotherapy
– D) Surgery + Chemotherapy

**Question 134:**
**The clinical feature of central ossifying fibroma:**
– A) Pain
– **B) Slow growing**
– C) Rapidly growing
– D) Ulceration

**Question 135:**
**The most common site for oral cancer is:**
– **A) Tongue**
– B) Gingiva
– C) Floor of mouth
– D) Palate

**Question 136:**
**Which of the following is not a complication of osteomyelitis?**
– **A) Dentigerous cyst**
– B) Sequestration
– C) Sinus tract formation
– D) Pathological fracture

**Question 137:**
**Which of the following organisms is not commonly associated with osteomyelitis?**
– A) Staphylococcus aureus
– B) Streptococcus
– **C) Escherichia coli**
– D) Actinomyces

**Question 138:**
**The first stage of tooth development is:**
– A) Bell stage
– **B) Bud stage**
– C) Cap stage
– D) Crown stage

**Question 139:**
**Dentin formation is initiated by:**
– A) Ameloblasts
– B) Cementoblasts
– **C) Odontoblasts**
– D) Osteoblasts

**Question 140:**
**A histological feature of ameloblastoma is:**
– **A) Palisading of basal cells**
– B) Fibrous capsule
– C) Giant cells
– D) Keratin pearls

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