medical mcqs

Medicine encompasses the domain of health and healing, involving professionals such as nurses, doctors, and various specialists. This field addresses the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of diseases, as well as medical research and various aspects of health. offers over 2000 medical MCQs with detailed explanations for medical exam preparation and tests. These medical MCQs cover a wide range of topics, including basic sciences, clinical sciences, principles and practices of medicine, intensive care medicine, Nursing MCQs, Medical devices, Physical and occupational therapy, and more. Additionally, you can find MCQs on biochemistry on the platform.

161. **A 3 cm squamous cell carcinoma of the retromolar trigone and invading the mandible and the medial pterygoid muscle is at what TNM stage:**
– A) Stage I
– B) Stage II
– C) Stage III
– **D) Stage IV**

162. **Papillomatous tongue is observed in:**
– **A) Lymphangioma**
– B) Hyalinia cutis et mucosa syndrome
– C) Fetal face syndrome
– D) Tuberous sclerosis

163. **Metastases from carcinoma of tongue by bloodstream is more likely when the carcinoma involves the:**
– A) Anterior third
– B) Middle third
– **C) Posterior third**
– D) Lateral margin

164. **Features characteristic of leukoplakia include all except:**
– A) Hyperkeratosis
– **B) Plasma cell infiltration within the dermal papillae**
– C) Clinically, a paint-like patch
– D) A moist shiny lesion

165. **Leukoplakia with the worst prognosis is seen on the:**
– A) Dorsum of tongue
– **B) Floor of mouth**
– C) Buccal mucosa
– D) Palate

166. **In which of the following type of tumour can HPV-6 be detected?**
– **A) Papilloma**
– C) Sarcoma
– D) Pyogenic Granuloma

167. **Which of the following epithelial changes commonly signify a precancerous condition:**
– A) Dyskeratosis
– **B) Hyperkeratosis**
– C) Parakeratosis
– D) Acanthosis

168. **Which of the following is not a feature of torus mandibularis?**
– A) Common in Mongoloids
– B) Present on the lingual surface of mandible below the mylohyoid line
– **C) Usually Bilateral**
– D) May or may not be associated with torus palatinus

169. **Which of the following does not have a viral etiology?**
– **A) Burkitt’s lymphoma**
– B) Nasopharyngeal carcinoma
– C) Hodgkin’s lymphoma
– D) Hepatocellular carcinoma

170. **Increased incidence of squamous cell carcinoma of the skin is due to all except:**
– A) Ultraviolet radiation
– B) Actinic keratosis
– **C) Alcohol**
– D) None of the above