oral anatomy mcqs

Gurumcqs.com offers a comprehensive collection of 2000+ basic and advanced oral anatomy MCQs, complete with answers and detailed explanations. This section is dedicated to covering all essential aspects of the oral anatomy subject, focusing on key topics related to the anatomy of the mouth and teeth. These include Basic Oral Anatomy, Calcification and Eruption of Teeth, Deciduous Dentition, Occlusion, Permanent Dentition, Physiologic Form of Tooth and Periodontium, Osseous Structures, TMJ, and more. The questions are carefully selected from reputable reference books on oral anatomy. These dental anatomy MCQs are valuable for interview preparation, entrance examinations, competitive exams, and certifications, catering to individuals with varying levels of experience, whether they are seasoned professionals, freshers, or students. Additionally, you can explore MCQs on medical topics on the platform.

111. The mesial surface of the crown is almost parallel to long axis and the root of a______________?
A. Maxillary 1st premolar
B. Mandibular 2nd premolar
C. Maxillary canine
D. Mandibular canine

112. Using occlusal morphology as guide , the Mandibular third molar is most similar to______________?
A. Maxillary permanent first molar
B. Mandibular permanent first molar
C. Mandibular permanent second molar
D. Mandibular deciduous second molar

113. Which of the following premolars has a mesial marginal ridge more cervical than the distal marginal ridge________________?
A. Maxillary 1st premolar
B. Maxillary 2ndpremolar
C. Mandibular 1st premolar
D. Mandibular 2nd premolar

114. A pronounced developmental groove is usually present on the mesial marginal ridge of a permanent________________?
A. Mandibular third molar
B. Mandibular second premolar
C. Maxillary second molar
D. Maxillary first premolar

115. Permanent Mandibular central incisor develops from_____________?
A. 1 lobe
B. 3 lobes
C. 4 lobes
D. 5 lobes

116. Cervical cross section of maxillary first premolar is_____________?
A. Dumbell
B. Kidney shape
C. Elliptical
D. Oval

117. Acute angled cusps in permanent maxillary first molar are_____________?
A. DB and ML
B. MB and DL
C. MB and DB
D. ML and DL

118. Tooth with most variable occlusal anatomy________________?
A. Maxillary third molar
B. Mandibular third molar
C. Maxillary second premolar
D. Mandibular second premolar

119. Mesial concavity making the prognosis poor for a furcation involvement is present in_____________?
A. Maxillary canine
B. Maxillary 1st premolar
C. Mandibular 1st premolar
D. Maxillary 2nd premolar

120. Corner stones of dental arches are:
A. Canines
B. First premolars
C. First molars
D. Second molars

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