oral anatomy mcqs

Gurumcqs.com offers a comprehensive collection of 2000+ basic and advanced oral anatomy MCQs, complete with answers and detailed explanations. This section is dedicated to covering all essential aspects of the oral anatomy subject, focusing on key topics related to the anatomy of the mouth and teeth. These include Basic Oral Anatomy, Calcification and Eruption of Teeth, Deciduous Dentition, Occlusion, Permanent Dentition, Physiologic Form of Tooth and Periodontium, Osseous Structures, TMJ, and more. The questions are carefully selected from reputable reference books on oral anatomy. These dental anatomy MCQs are valuable for interview preparation, entrance examinations, competitive exams, and certifications, catering to individuals with varying levels of experience, whether they are seasoned professionals, freshers, or students. Additionally, you can explore MCQs on medical topics on the platform.

211. The premolar alveoli are what shape in cross section_____________?
A. Rectangular
B. Triangular
C. Kidney shaped
D. Oval

212. Retrusion of mandible is achieved by _______________?
A. Lateral pterygoid
B. Temporalis
C. Masseter
D. None of the above

213. Which of the following moment are performed by a non- working condyle ?
A. Straightward
B. Down wards forwards and lateral
C. Down wards forwards and medial
D. Down wards Back wards and medial

214. Articular disc of tmj receives insertion from which muscle______________?
A. Medial pterygoid
B. Lateral pterygoid
C. Massetor
D. Temporalis

215. The side towards which mandible moves is called the_____________?
A. Tooth contact side
B. Balancing side
C. Working side
D. Non- working side

216. Which of the following muscle helps in depressing the mandible ___________?
A. Temporalis
B. Massetor
C. Lateral pterygoid
D. Medial pterygoid

217. All of the following muscles are elevators of the mandible except______________?
A. Digastric
B. Massetor
C. Medial pterygoid
D. Temporalis

218. In which of the following areas is the alveolar process the thinnest_____________?
A. Lingual to the maxillary central incisors
B. Buccal to the mandibular central incisors
C. Lingual to the maxillary canines
D. Lingual to the mandibular first molar

219. Which muscle is responsible for translation of condyle ?
A. Medial pterygoid
B. Masseter
C. Superior constrictor of pharynx
D. Lateral pterygoid

220. Forward moment of mandible is done by_________?
A. Lateral pterygoid
B. Medial pterygoid
C. Temporalis – anterior fibers
D. Temporalis- posterior fibers

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