past papers psychology mcqs

Psychology MCQs for Preparation. If you are preparing for the Psychology MCQs, then provides you with all the most repeated Psychology MCQs on Lecturer Psychology, Clinical psychologist, Counselling psychologist, Educational psychologist, Forensic psychologist, Everyday life Psychology, Clinical Psychology(Assess and treat mental, emotional and behavioral disorders), Counseling psychologists. Developmental psychologists, Educational psychologists, Engineering psychologists, Experimental psychologists, Forensic psychologists  – and much more. In this MCQs section, frequently encountered in Inspector, ASI, Sub-inspector, Constable, FPSC, PPSC, ETEA, FIA, Police, Army, Navy, Airforce, IB, MOFA, ASF, LHC, Educators, and various other competitive exams, as well as government and private job assessments. Also, check MCQs on English here.

171. Which of the following behaviors is characteristic of infantile autism?

172. When the development of the same subject is studied over a period of time, the study is called a _______________?

173. Who most strongly favors a stage theory of development?

174. A child in Piaget’s preoperational stage is given a toy and attempts to eat it. This child is demonstrating ____________? 

175. Which of the following is a normal consequence of growing old? 

176. The rationalist approach of Chomsky in explaining language development is also referred to as _______________?

177. In most social settings, the theory of social attraction of which one of the following appears most applicable? 

178. Who would be most concerned with the development of imagery and verbal systems in the infant, and how they are interwoven? 

179. Apraxia is characterized by an inability to _______________? 

180. The growth of facial hair in an adolescent male is an example of a ________________?